Pytorch model to predict customer flight satisfaction based on survey results.
Data was pulled from Kaggle. Code expects test.csv and train.csv to be placed in the "data" directory.
Create a Python venv and pip install from "requirements.txt".
Before running the model, data preprocessing is done. The following happens:
- Missing values are filled in with 0.
- These missing values only appear in the "Arrival Delay in Minutes" column and were assumed to be 0 minutes.
- The columns 'Customer Type', 'Type of Travel', and 'Class' are turned into multiple columns with one-hot encoding.
- The 'Gender' column is turned into Gender_Female, a boolean column representing if the customer is female or not.
- The 'satisfaction' column has its values turned into 1 for "satisfied" and 0 for "neutral or dissatisfied".