Solution for OffSite Day Feb 6 2015
Solution consists of 3 projects
ImpreziJS - This is a copy of the source and customization. There is a public tool out there that also provides a "canvas" like feel called, havent used it but looks like it gives you an admin interface which impressjs does not have but impress covers 3D effect which prezi doesnt but not sure how much that really is needed in most presentation scenarios.
NodeExpressApp1 - Example of the visual studio plug in that spins you up a Node/Express, Jade (Node based Templating Engine for HTML Templates) and Source-maps (mapper between minified and original js files). Take a look and should be able to spin up with F5 and see the OOTB MVC template home page you may be used to seeing in the ASP.NET MVC project.
ReactJS - Nuget Package I installed and spun up, that utilizes the js view engine that Facebook and Instagram uses and supports. Check it out - very powerful and easy to use -
The associated slide deck can be located here -