This repository contains codes for the numerical analysis and the data visualization of the results in J. Kim et al., Nat. Phys. (2023).
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- AMD Ryzen 3950X 16-core processor with 128 GB RAM
- Python 3.9.6
- Numpy 1.20.3
- Matplotlib 3.4.2
- Spyder 5.0.5
- Pandas 1.3.1 gives a preliminary class definition for time-varying systems and related wave-matter interaction.
Every .py file for each figure includes:
- definition of time-varying system with the corresponding electromagnetic scattering calculation,
- data acquisition for ensembles (if needed),
- and plotting figure,
which are separated by a few of cells. Running cells successively will finally result in the output figure and its source data in pdf, xlsx formats, respectively.
can be downloaded Google Drive.