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Library for visualizing and debugging LÖVR physics.

In LÖVR framework the rendering is completely decoupled from physics simulation. User should query the physics sim for position and orientation of each collider (and each shape inside each collider) and render everything themselves. This library makes it easy to render any project that uses physics, and also helps with finding issues in rigging of colliders and joints.

phywire = require 'phywire'
world = lovr.physics.newWorld()
-- (create some colliders)

function lovr.draw(pass)
  phywire.draw(pass, world)             -- render with default visualization options (shapes only)

Aside from simple rendering of colliders, the library can visualize the physical simulation in various ways:

  • draw wireframe shapes over previously rendered scene
  • draw velocity vectors for each moving collider
  • show angular velocity gizmos around each collider
  • visualize the joints between colliders
  • show information on collision contacts


Terrain and mesh

The geometry of terrain and mesh shape types cannot be fetched back once the shape has been created. To render these geometries in phywire you will need to attach the rendering objects to the shape's userdata. Two rendering methods are supported: the Model object, or an object with a draw(pass, transform) method.

model =
vertex_list, triangle_list = model:getTriangles()
mesh = world:newMeshCollider(vertex_list, triangle_list)

terrain = world:newTerrainCollider(...)
terrain:setUserData( {draw = terrain_draw_fn} )

If using lovr-procmesh, the 'solid' representation has a suitable draw() method so it can be directly used as userdata.

If phywire encounters any mesh or terrain data that does not have the render objects attached, those shapes will be skipped with a warning message produced in the console output.


The third argument in phywire.draw(pass, world, options) receives a table with rendering options. When options are omitted, all the visualizations are utilized and the wireframe overdraw mode is selected.

Any visualization can be disabled by overriding some options:

phywire.options.show_shapes = true           -- draw collider shapes (on by default)
phywire.options.show_velocities = true       -- vector showing direction and magnitude of collider linear velocity
phywire.options.show_angulars = true         -- gizmo displaying the collider's angular velocity
phywire.options.show_joints = true           -- show joints between colliders
phywire.options.show_contacts = true         -- show collision contacts (quite inefficient, triples the needed collision computations)

The wireframe flag is used to render shapes in wireframe mode. The overdraw flag disables the depth buffer test. This allows for some useful combinations.

  • wireframe=false, overdraw=false draws solid geometry, provides quick and simple replacement for rendering of "physical" scene
  • wireframe=true, overdraw=true renders on top of already drawn scene, this allows users to make sure their rendering is aligned with the physics state
  • wireframe=true, overdraw=false renders wireframe visualizations but respects existing scene geometry (visuals introduce less noise, more usable for VR)

Various other options can be overridden, things like the size of each visualization type, sensitivities, and gizmo colors. Check the m.options table for more info.

Controlling colors

The phywire visualization assigns a color for each shape. By default these colors are chosen from an internal palette, which is a quickest way to visualize colliders in lovr project. Going on from here there are few more options for having more control over color choices.

Second easiest option is to replace the internal palette and bring in a new set of colors. The shape colors will be chosen sequentially from the palette, which makes it hard to control the color for each individual shape. To use the custom color palette, compose the nested list of colors and assign the options.shapes_palette to that table. The list can contain just one color, which results in monochromatic rendering of all the shapes.

User can also specify individual colors for each shape. Phywire will try to look up options.shape_colors[shape]. If found, that color will be used. Keys of the shape_colors table are individual shapes, values are the colors used for that shape in {r,g,b} or hexcode format. For example, phywire.options.shape_colors[my_shape] = 0xff00ff will specify manual color for a single element.

Troubleshooting with x-ray

While phywire.draw provides a comprehensive visualization of your physics simulation, sometimes it's helpful to peek behind the curtain and see things as the physics engine sees them. That's where the xray() function comes in handy.

This method casts many rays from the screen into the physics scene, and checks for collisions with colliders in the world. By drawing tiny cubes at each hit point, xray() offers a direct and raw representation of your collider geometry. Use this function when you suspect inconsistencies between the visual representation and the actual physics simulation.


To put it into action, replace your phywire.draw call with phywire.xray(pass, world, resolution). Resolution is optional (defaults to 0.01) and can be used to control the trade-off between the speed and precision of visuals.

Scene interaction

The phygrab module implements a generic mouse interaction with colliders. We can grab the collider with right mouse button and then drag it around and release it. The mouse wheel can push the grabbed collider closer or farther to the camera.

The module offers a quick way to integrate it into any project. Simply place require('phygrab').integrate(world) at the end of the main.lua file or in your lovr.load() function. A more clean and maintainable way of usage is to call phygrab's' draw, mousepressed, mousereleased and wheelmoved functions from LÖVR's callbacks.

The module uses right mouse button by default as the left mouse button is often mapped to the camera rotation. Use phygrab.MOUSE_BUTT

Older LÖVR version

Older LÖVR versions (v.17 and back) use a different physics engine and the physics API is a bit different. The variant that supports it is on the ode branch.


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