All the skills in the master branch of this library have been ported and tested on a Mycroft II.
It looks like a predecessor community attempted to get off the ground: There's a pretty much inactive mattermost here.
SSH has been setup on your mycroft.
cd into /opt
cd /opt
clone this repo
git clone
Change directory to the dinkum skills directory
cd /opt/mycroft-dinkum/skills
create a symbolic link to the skill you want
ln -s /opt/mycroft2-skills/bark.mark2
Add skill to skills.json
{ "name": "Bark Skill", "skill_gid": "bark.mark2" }
Add skill to service
--skill /opt/mycroft-dinkum/skills/bark.mark2
Reload settings
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Restart Dinkum Skills
sudo systemctl restart dinkum-skills.service
The most useful log so far has been journalctl -u dinkum-skills.service -f
To avoid problems when restarting, I've found that setting mycroft to a reserved IP address on my router provides stability between reboots. At the very least it'll prevent you from trying to SSH into an IP address that isn't assigned after a lease expiration.