This is a little experiment project to test the ability to connect to an indoor rowing machine (WaterRower).
The WaterRower is equipped with a Bluetooth Low Energy communication module.
Eventually, I'd like to use the Raspberry to broadcast my WaterRower workouts to either Garmin Connect, or to my Garmin watch (via an ANT+ dongle).
And to make things more fun, the goal is to use Kotlin!
Tested on branch bluefalcon
- ✅ Was able to detect devices, though it was a bit strange initially (it did not show any device name).
- ✅ Can connect to the WaterRower
- ✅ Can discover services
- ❌ Did not succeed reading characteristics / value
- ❌ Do not get notification when paired device disconnects.
This is the library that actually backs Blue Falcon
Tested on branch blessed-bluez
- ✅ Was able to detect devices, though it was a bit strange initially (it did not show any device name).
- ✅ Can connect to the WaterRower
- ✅ Can discover services
- ✅ Succeeded reading characteristics value (tested with string values only, but seems to work in principle)
- ✅ Succeeded getting notifications on subscribed characteristics.