A simple application to test out libgdx development without using Eclipse or Ant to build the project. Primary focus is on integrating libgdx with my Ant-less, commandline only, development environment.
I am going to go through, from start to getting a runnable build, a simple project that will incorporate the knowledge I've gathered researching how to setup a libgdx project without using Ant or Eclipse. The general process is straight forward in hindsight, but I'm writing this because I struggled with finding answers online, specifically for targetting the android build.
For the purposes of this guide the project name will be PaperPlanes just because its better than typing 'TestGameLibGdx'. The project code will consist of moving a loaded texture to a clicked/touched point.
I assume that the environment is already set up to build and deploy android applications with Ant or Eclipse. Currently you will also need java 1.6 because there seems to be some problems using 1.7 and compiling for android.
First thing is to make folders for the different targets as per usual when using libgdx. We will be dealing with each folder indivdually later on. I do not have a directory for iOS or HTML5 targets as I haven't tried to build those yet.
mkdir -v PaperPlanes
cd PaperPlanes
mkdir -v main desktop android assets
This is where the bulk of the code will go.
cd main
mkdir -pv libs src/com/jeff/paperplanes
Pretty straight forward, same as main but with a bin
cd desktop
mkdir -pv bin/classes libs src/com/jeff/bucket
We'll build the android directory with the skelton project generated by the android
tool. Alternatively, you could create the directory structure yourself by following the guide provided in the sources section. Mind the --target
and --path
flags as they are specific to your setup.
cd android
android create project --target 1 --name PaperPlanes --path /home/jeff/playground/PaperPlanes/android --activity PaperPlanesActivity --package com.jeff.paperplanes
mkdir -pv bin/classes bin/lib
Remove the files we don't need. I removed progaurd files as this project has no need for obfuscation.
rm build.xml local.properties project.properties ant.properties proguard-project.txt
Download the libgdx nightly and put the libs you need in the relevant directories. The snippet below is how I update my libraries.
wget http://libgdx.badlogicgames.com/nightlies/$LIBGDX_ZIP
unzip -o $LIBGDX_ZIP gdx.jar gdx-natives.jar gdx-backend-android.jar gdx-backend-lwjgl.jar gdx-backend-lwjgl-natives.jar extensions/gdx-tools.jar 'armeabi/*' 'armeabi-v7a/*'
mv -v gdx.jar main/libs/
cp -Rv extensions main/libs
mv -v gdx-natives.jar gdx-backend-lwjgl.jar gdx-backend-lwjgl-natives.jar desktop/libs/
mv -v gdx-backend-android.jar android/libs/
cp -Rv armeabi-v7a armeabi android/libs/
rm -rf extensions armeabi armeabi-v7a
The apk needs to include the areabi*
directories when installed. So make some links inside bin/lib
directory to those folders. You could also just copy over the actual folder, but libs go in the libs directory dammit!
cd android/bin/lib
ln -s ../../libs/armeabi
ln -s ../../libs/armeabi-v7a
Assets are strange when sharing with an Android application.
The desktop application looks for assests starting in the root directory of the application so you'd refer to an asset like so:
Gdx.files.internal( "assets/plane.png" )
However, the android application looks for assets starting in the assets
directory. Thus the above code would cause it to look for a file in a folder ROOT/assets/assets/plane.png
So we can either scatter all the assets in the root directory or just create a link to the ROOT/assets
folder within ROOT/android/bin/assets/
. It looks stupid but makes asset references consistent accross the platforms.
I'm sure theres a better way to do this, but it works.
You can find plenty of examples in the libgdx repository. Below I will dump the code I used to test this guide as I wrote it.
package com.jeff.paperplanes;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Game;
public class PaperPlanesGame extends Game {
private MainScreen ms;
public void create() {
ms = new MainScreen( this );
this.setScreen( ms );
package com.jeff.paperplanes;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.SpriteBatch;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Texture;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.GL10;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Sprite;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.OrthographicCamera;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Screen;
public class MainScreen implements Screen {
PaperPlanesGame g;
Texture planeImage;
Rectangle planeRect;
SpriteBatch spb;
Vector3 touchPos;
OrthographicCamera cam;
public MainScreen( PaperPlanesGame g ) {
this.g = g;
// load assets
planeImage = new Texture( Gdx.files.internal( "assets/plane.png" ) );
// initialize rectangle
planeRect = new Rectangle();
// initialize spritebatch for drawing
spb = new SpriteBatch();
// initialize our camera
cam = new OrthographicCamera();
cam.setToOrtho( false, Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight() );
cam.update( true );
// touch location
touchPos = new Vector3();
public void show() {
public void render( float delta ) {
// clear screen
Gdx.gl.glClear( GL10.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );
// update camera
// begin draw
spb.setProjectionMatrix( cam.combined );
// move our plane and center it
spb.draw( planeImage, planeRect.x - ( planeImage.getWidth() / 2 ) , planeRect.y - ( planeImage.getHeight() / 2 ) );
//spb.draw( planeImage, planeRect.x, planeRect.y );
// update touch position
if( Gdx.input.isTouched() ) {
touchPos.set( Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0 );
// only unproject if screen is touched duh!
cam.unproject( touchPos );
// converts the coord system of the touch units ( origin top left ) to camera coord ( origin bottom left )
planeRect.x = touchPos.x;
planeRect.y = touchPos.y;
Gdx.app.log( "X + Y", planeRect.x + " + " + planeRect.y );
public void resize( int width, int height ) {
public void hide() {
public void pause() {
public void resume() {
public void dispose() {
package com.jeff.paperplanes;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.android.AndroidApplication;
import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.android.AndroidApplicationConfiguration;
public class PaperPlanesActivity extends AndroidApplication {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
AndroidApplicationConfiguration cf = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration();
cf.useGL20 = true;
cf.useAccelerometer = true;
cf.useCompass = false;
initialize( new PaperPlanesGame(), cf );
package com.jeff.paperplanes;
import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication;
import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplicationConfiguration;
public class PaperPlanesDesktop {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
LwjglApplicationConfiguration cf = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration();
cf.title = "PaperPlanes";
cf.useGL20 = true;
cf.width = 800;
cf.height = 480;
new LwjglApplication( new PaperPlanesGame(), cf );
Remember when dealing with the android target to review AndroidManifest.xml
This is the easy bit. We are running the compile command from the ROOT
# Compile
javac -verbose -classpath "desktop/libs/*:main/libs/*:desktop/bin/classes" -sourcepath desktop/src/com/jeff/paperplanes:main/src/com/jeff/paperplanes -d desktop/bin/classes desktop/src/com/jeff/paperplanes/*.java main/src/com/jeff/paperplanes/*.java
# Run
java -classpath "desktop/libs/*:main/libs/*:desktop/bin/classes" com.jeff.paperplanes.PaperPlanesDesktop
A bit more complicated than desktop. I am largely cribbing off of the work done by this guy. That guide is really helpful and worth reading through for explanations of each of the steps I will go through below.
We are running commands from the android
First we make R.java, I don't really use any assets that are in it because that beats the cross platform point, but it seems I can't remove it without getting an error at runtime.
aapt package -v -f -m -M AndroidManifest.xml -I /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-10/android.jar -S res -J src/
Now we compile our souce files. Note the -classpath
make sure it lines up with where your libraries are.
javac -verbose -d bin/classes -classpath "bin/classes:/opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-10/android.jar:bin/lib/*:../main/libs/*:libs/*" -target 1.6 `find ./src -iname "*.java"` `find ../main/src -iname "*.java"`
Then make the Dalvik bytecode. Include all the library files used in the code.
dx --dex --output bin/classes.dex bin/classes libs/gdx-backend-android.jar ../main/libs/gdx.jar
Here we make our unsigned apk file.
aapt package -v -f -M AndroidManifest.xml -S res -I /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-10/android.jar -F bin/paperplanes.unsigned.apk bin/
And then we sign it with a key.
jarsigner -verbose -keystore debugkey.keystore -storepass debug123 -keypass debug123 -signedjar bin/paperplanes.signed.apk bin/paperplanes.unsigned.apk debugkey
If you do not have a key you can generate one. Here's how to make one ( taken from the guide I've mentioned far too often ):
-validity 10000
-dname "CN=company name,
OU=organisational unit,
C=country code"
-keystore DEV_HOME/AndroidTest.keystore
-storepass password
-keypass password
-alias AndroidTestKey
-keyalg RSA
And finally we run zipalign and install it to the device.
zipalign -v -f 4 bin/paperplanes.signed.apk bin/paperplanes.apk
# First time install
adb -d install bin/paperplanes.apk
# Reinstall
adb -d install -r bin/paperplanes.apk
Building Android programs on the command line