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Arbor simulation of memory formation and consolidation in recurrent spiking neural networks with synaptic tagging and capture


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Arbor simulation of memory formation and consolidation in recurrent spiking neural networks with synaptic tagging and capture

This package serves to simulate recurrent spiking neural networks, consisting of single-compartment (approximate leaky integrate-and-fire) neurons connected via current-based plastic synapses, with the Arbor simulator library. The long-term plasticity model that is employed features a calcium-based early phase and a late phase that is based on synaptic tagging-and-capture mechanisms. The underlying model is described in detail in Luboeinski and Tetzlaff (2021) and has also been implemented with point neurons using a stand-alone simulator as well as Brian 2. The code provided here serves to reproduce the previous results with the Arbor simulator library.

Compared to the stand-alone implementation, using Arbor has several advantages:

  • facilitated use of multi-compartment neurons,
  • optimized computing on a variety of hardware backends, especially, on high-performance computing setups,
  • easier entry for users who are already using Arbor or open to use it.

An implementation that employs Arbor to simulate networks with multi-compartment neurons, derived from the present single-compartment implementation, can be found here.

Provided code

The main simulation code is found in The code in is used to plot the results and is called automatically after a simulation is finished (but it can also be used on its own). The file provides additional utility functions that are needed. The parameter configurations for different types of simulations are provided by means of *.json files. The neuron and synapse mechanisms are provided in the Arbor NMODL format in the files mechanisms/*.mod.

To achieve viable runtimes even for long biological timescales, the program determines a "schedule" for each simulation (e.g., "learn - consolidate"). This causes the simulation to either run in one piece, or to be split up into different phases which are computed using different timesteps (small timesteps for detailed dynamics and substantially longer timesteps for phases of plasticity consolidation; in the latter case, the spiking and calcium dynamics are neglected, and only the late-phase dynamics and the exponential decay of the early-phase weights are computed, the validity of which has been shown here). The plasticity mechanism (expsyn_curr_early_late_plasticity or expsyn_curr_early_late_plasticity_ff) is chosen accordingly.

Different simulation protocols can easily be run using the following bash script files:

  • run_basic_early
    • example of basic early-phase plasticity dynamics in a small network
  • run_basic_late
    • example of basic late-phase plasticity dynamics in a small network
  • run_batch_basic_early
    • run batch of basic early-phase plasticity dynamics in a small network (employs
  • run_batch_basic_early
    • run batch of basic late-phase plasticity dynamics in a small network (employs
  • run_benchmark_desktop
    • pipeline for benchmarks of runtime and memory usage (for the latter, the script track_allocated_memory is used);
    • can be used with different paradigms (CA200, 2N1S_basic_late, ...);
    • script with suffix _gpu can be used for benchmarking on GPU systems
  • run_defaultnet_bg_only_desktop
    • network of 1600 excitatory and 400 inhibitory neurons;
    • background input only
  • run_defaultnet_10s-recall_desktop
    • network of 1600 excitatory and 400 inhibitory neurons;
    • learning a memory represented by a cell assembly of a specified number of exc. neurons (argument $1);
    • recall of the memory after 10 seconds;
    • script with suffix _gpu can be used for running simulations on GPU systems
  • run_defaultnet_8h-recall_desktop
    • network of 1600 excitatory and 400 inhibitory neurons;
    • learning a memory represented by a cell assembly of a specified number of exc. neurons (argument $1);
    • consolidation via synaptic tagging and capture;
    • recall of the memory after 8 hours;
    • script with suffix _gpu can be used for running simulations on GPU systems
  • run_smallnet3_10s-recall_desktop:
    • network of 4 excitatory and 1 inhibitory neurons;
    • one exc. neuron receives a learning stimulus;
    • the same exc. neurons receives a recall stimulus 10 seconds later
  • run_smallnet3_8h-recall_desktop:
    • network of 4 excitatory and 1 inhibitory neurons;
    • one exc. neuron receives a learning stimulus;
    • the same exc. neurons receives a recall stimulus 8 hours later

Besides these scripts, there are also scripts with the filename suffix _gwdg-* (instead of _desktop). Those scripts are intended to run simulations on a SLURM compute cluster (as operated by GWDG). See the file CLUSTER_SETUP on how to set up a suitable miniforge environment for this.


Integration tests are defined in and can be run via the bash script file run_tests.

Arbor installation

The latest version of the code has been tested with the Arbor development version v0.10.1-dev-b8b768d. Use this version if you want to be sure that everything runs correctly.

Previous versions of the code have also been tested with the relase version v0.10.0 and with several development versions of v0.9.1 and v0.10.1.

Default version

You can, most conveniently, install the latest Arbor release version via

python3 -m pip install arbor

To install a specific Arbor version from source code (default mode, without SIMD support), you can run the following (gcc/g++ v13 are recommended):

git clone --recursive arbor_source_repo
mkdir arbor_source_repo/build && cd arbor_source_repo/build
git checkout b8b768d6aed3aa1e72b91912753d98bbc17fb44c -b arbor_v0.10.1-dev-b8b768d
CC=gcc-13 CXX=g++-13 cmake -DARB_WITH_PYTHON=ON -DARB_USE_BUNDLED_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(readlink -f ~/arbor_v0.10.1-dev-b8b768d-nosimd) -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=`which python3.10` -S .. -B .
#make tests && ./bin/unit # optionally: testing
make install

SIMD version

To install a specific Arbor version from source code (with SIMD support), you can run the following (gcc/g++ v13 are recommended):

git clone --recursive arbor_source_repo
mkdir arbor_source_repo/build && cd arbor_source_repo/build
git checkout b8b768d6aed3aa1e72b91912753d98bbc17fb44c -b arbor_v0.10.1-dev-b8b768d
CC=gcc-13 CXX=g++-13 cmake -DARB_WITH_PYTHON=ON -DARB_USE_BUNDLED_LIBS=ON -DARB_VECTORIZE=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(readlink -f ~/arbor_v0.10.1-dev-b8b768d-simd) -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=`which python3.10` -S .. -B .
#make tests && ./bin/unit # optionally: testing
make install

You may also take this shortcut with pip:

CMAKE_ARGS="-DARB_VECTORIZE=ON" python3 -m pip install ./arbor_source_repo

CUDA version

To install a specific Arbor version from source code (with CUDA GPU support), you can run the following (cudatoolkit v12 and gcc/g++ v13 are recommended):

git clone --recursive arbor_source_repo
mkdir arbor_source_repo/build && cd arbor_source_repo/build
git checkout b8b768d6aed3aa1e72b91912753d98bbc17fb44c -b arbor_v0.10.1-dev-b8b768d
CC=gcc-13 CXX=g++-13 cmake -DARB_WITH_PYTHON=ON -DARB_USE_BUNDLED_LIBS=ON -DARB_GPU=cuda -DARB_USE_GPU_RNG=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(readlink -f ~/arbor_v0.10.1-dev-b8b768d-gpu_use_gpu_rng) -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=`which python3.10` -S .. -B .
#make tests && ./bin/unit # optionally: testing
make install

You may also take this shortcut with pip:

CMAKE_ARGS="-DARB_GPU=cuda -DARB_USE_GPU_RNG=ON" python3 -m pip install ./arbor_source_repo

Note that you may set ARB_USE_GPU_RNG to OFF to avoid issues in certain software setups (but this may increase the runtime).

Environment setting

You can use the script set_arbor_env (or set_arbor_env_*) to set the environment variables for your Arbor installation. You can then build the custom catalogue of mechanisms by running build_catalogue (or build_catalogue_*). Such a script is run automatically by any run script provided here and needs to be adapted if you use a different Arbor installation.

Further dependencies

Further package dependencies:

  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • pytest
  • pytest-cov
  • coverage

You can install them, for example, via python3 -m pip install <name-of-package> (if necessary, upgrade them via python3 -m pip install -U <name-of-package>).


Arbor simulation of memory formation and consolidation in recurrent spiking neural networks with synaptic tagging and capture







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