add dependency to package.json file:
"dependencies": {
"udp-api-client": "git@...",
run npm install
OR if you prefer copy-pasting - copy lib/udp-client.js
Create API client
const {UdpApiClient} = require("udp-api-client");
const secret = '1234567890123456'; // must be 16 symbols length
const client = new UdpApiClient(secret);
Send command to arduino server
updateDb(uid, type, port, address)
.then(response => {/* do smth on success*/})
.catch(err => {/* handle error*/})
reserve(uid, durationMinutes, type, port, address)
.then(response => {/* do smth on success*/})
.catch(err => {/* handle error*/})
stopReservation(uid, durationMinutes, type, port, address)
.then(response => {/* do smth on success*/})
.catch(err => {/* handle error*/})
startCharging(id, port, address)
.then(response => {/* do smth on success*/})
.catch(err => {/* handle error*/})
stopCharging(id, port, address)
.then(response => {/* do smth on success*/})
.catch(err => {/* handle error*/})
Send custom message/command to arduino server
const msg = 'FIX_UID_ someuid 90 2';
sendMessage(msg, port, address)
.then(response => {/* do smth on success*/})
.catch(err => {/* handle error*/})
npm test
Tests output:
PASS tests/udp-client.spec.js
API tests
√ encodes and decodes message (19ms)
√ sendMessage resolves after ACK msg received (19ms)
√ sendMessage rejects when server returns SAF error (5ms)
√ sendMessage rejects when server returns NOA error (5ms)
√ sendMessage rejects when server returns ERR error (7ms)
√ sendMessage retries 5 times (607ms)
√ tests update command (8ms)
√ tests reservation command (8ms)
√ tests stop reservation command (9ms)
√ tests start charging command (7ms)
√ tests stop charging command (9ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 11 passed, 11 total