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jlduran edited this page Aug 14, 2012 · 1 revision

In addition to an IP08/IP04/IP01 uImage (kernel plus basic root filesystem) there is a growing list of packages:

Name Description
asterisk Asterisk is a complete PBX in software. It provides all of the features you would expect from a PBX and more. Asterisk does voice over IP in three protocols, and can interoperate with almost all standards-based telephone equipment using relatively inexpensive hardware.
dropbear Dropbear is a relatively small SSH 2 server and client.
g729 G.729 Codec.
libgmp GNU MP is a portable library written in C for arbitrary precision arithmetic on integers, rational numbers, and floating-point numbers. It aims to provide the fastest possible arithmetic for all applications that need higher precision than is directly supported by the basic C types.
libssl A toolkit implementing SSL v2/v3 and TLS protocols with full-strength cryptography world-wide.
libtiff Tiff image file format library.
libxml A library for manipulating XML and HTML resources.
openvpn A web-scale networking platform enabling the next wave of VPN services.
oslec Open Source Line Echo Canceller, a high quality free echo canceller for Asterisk.
spandsp Telephony Algorithms and Digital Signal Processing Routines.
vim Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
zaptel Telephony hardware drivers for IP04 SPI-over-SPORT1 version (later Atcom IP04s, IP08s).
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