An algorithmic account for how humans efficiently learn, transfer, and compose hierarchically structured decision policies
Authors: Jing-Jing Li, Anne Collins
This repository contains two versions of the data: data.pkl
is the raw data used in the analyses presented in the paper and compatible with the code in this repository; data.csv
contains the fully preprocessed data, which is more suitable for further analyses that do not depend on the functions in this repo. Both data files contain trial-by-trial stimulus, action, and reward information for all participants.
: raw pickled data file containing all behavioral data analyzed in the paper, compatible with the code in this repository (recommended for replications of analyses in the paper).
contains the meta-data of each participant, including the experiment they participated in, the task version they completed, and the cluster they were assigned
contains the data variables, organized first by participants:s_12_12
: states (stimuli) in Blocks 1-2, Trials 1-60, Stages 1-2a_12_12
: actions in Blocks 1-2, Trials 1-60, Stages 1-2r_12_12
: rewards in Blocks 1-2, Trials 1-60, Stages 1-2counter12_12
: the number of key presses until reaching the correct action in Blocks 1-2, Trials 1-60, Stage 1-2s1
: states (stimuli) in Blocks 3-12, Trials 1-32, Stage 1s2
: states (stimuli) in Blocks 3-12, Trials 1-32, Stage 2a
: actions in Blocks 3-12, Trials 1-32, Stages 1-2r
: rewards in Blocks 3-12, Trials 1-32, Stages 1-2counter1
: the number of key presses until reaching the correct action in Blocks 3-12, Trials 1-32, Stage 1counter2
: the number of key presses until reaching the correct action in Blocks 3-12, Trials 1-32, Stage 2tr
: the randomized key mappings (K1-K4 to [Q, W, E, R] and K5-K8 to [U, I, O, P])
This file can be loaded using the following code:
import pickle
with open('data.pkl', 'rb') as file:
all_data = pickle.load(file)
meta_data = all_data['meta_data']
data = all_data['data']
: contains fully preprocessed trial-by-trial behavioral data (recommended for further analyses that do not rely on the code in this repository). Each row represents a trial. The columns encode:
: participant indexid
: participant unique IDexperiment
: experiment identifier (1=Experiment 1, 2=Experiment 2)condition
: taks condition (V1-V1, V1-V2, V1-V3, V2-V1, V2-V2, V3-V1, V3-V3)block
: block identifier (1-12)trial
: trial identifier (1-60; numbering resets in each block)s1
: stimulus identifier in stage 1 (1=gold, 2=silver)a1
: list of actions selected in stage 1, separated by;
(1=K1, 2=K2, 3=K3, 4=K4, 0=invalid key)r1
: list of rewards in stage 1 corresponding to the actions, separated by;
(1=reward, 0=no reward)n_presses1
: list containing the number of presses made in stage 1 (nan if invalid key presses were made)s2
: stimulus identifier in stage 2 (1=red, 2=blue)a2
: list of actions selected in stage 2, separated by;
(5=K5, 6=K6, 7=K7, 8=K8, 0=invalid key)r2
: list of rewards in stage 2 corresponding to the actions, separated by;
(1=reward, 0=no reward)n_presses2
: list containing the number of presses made in stage 2 (nan if invalid key presses were made)
Emply cell means no data (due to performance-based block transition in Blocks 1 and 2).
: file containing helper functions for data
: file containing plotting functions used to visualize results.
: notebook containing code to cluster participants based on their task performance.analyze_behavior.ipynb
: notebook containing code to visualize the learning behavior of human participants.
: file containing functions for generative cognitive modeling, model likelihood computation, and model fitting.fit_models.ipynb
: notebook containing code to fit models to human behavior and visualize model validation.qc_modeling.ipynb
: notebook containing code for modeling quality control, such as parameter recovery.
: folder containing saved model fitting results (likelihoods and parameter estimations), which can be loaded intofit_models.ipynb
for analysis.
A demo of the full online behavioral task used for data collection is available here. For a full description of the task, refer to our paper.
Please cite our work if you find this repository helpful!
title={An algorithmic account for how humans efficiently learn, transfer, and compose hierarchically structured decision policies},
author={Li, Jing-Jing and Collins, Anne GE},