#WAMP Router#
A WAMP-Router implementation for node.js. At the moment, WAMP basic profile in the roles of dealer and broker are supported. For client connections: publish/subscribe and remote procedure register/call, AutobahnJS can be used.
##Install Dependencies##
npm install
##Basic Usage##
var http = require('http')
, CLogger = require('node-clogger');
var websocket = require('./index')
, autobahn = require('autobahn');
// Create a new router with given options. In this example, the options are the
// default values.
var router = websocket.createRouter({
httpServer: http.createServer(), // Nodes http or https server can be used.
// httpServer.listen() will be called from
// within router constructor.
port: 3000, // The url for client connections will be:
path: '/wamp', // ws://localhost:3000/wamp.
autoCreateRealms: true, // If set to false, an exception will be thrown
// on connecting to a non-existent realm.
logger: new CLogger({name: 'wamp-ws-router'}) // Must be an instance of 'node-clogger'.
var client = new autobahn.Connection({
url: 'ws://localhost:3000/wamp',
realm: 'com.wamp.app'
client.onopen = function (session) {
// do pub/sub or some procedure calls...