The PowerSystems.jl
package provides a rigorous data model using Julia structures to enable power systems analysis. In addition to stand-alone system analysis tools and model building, the PowerSystems.jl
package is used as the foundational data container for the PowerSimulations.jl package. PowerSystems.jl
enables data structures for different devices and relies on a limited number of data file formats for parsing.
- The latest tagged version in PowerSystems (v0.3.2) will work with Julia v1.1+.
- Generators (Thermal, Renewable, Synchronous Condensers, and Hydro)
- Transmission (Lines, and Transformers)
- Active Flow control devices (DC Lines and phase-shifters)
- Topological elements (Buses, Areas)
- Storage (Batteries)
- Load (Static, and curtailable)
- Services (Reserves, inter-regional transfers)
- Forecasts (Deterministic, scenario, stochastic)
- MATPOWER CaseFormat
- PSS/E - PTI Format
- RTS-GMLC data format
You can install it by typing
julia> ] add PowerSystems
Once installed, the PowerSystems
package can by used by typing
using PowerSystems
Contributions to the development and enahancement of PowerSystems is welcome. Please see for code contribution guidelines.
PowerSystems is released under a BSD license. PowerSystems has been developed as part of the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning (SIIP) initiative at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)