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Thomas Leibovici edited this page Aug 8, 2016 · 10 revisions

Policy tutorial: checking data integrity

Table of Contents


This tutorial explains how to setup a checksum policy to regularly check the contents of files and possibly detect data corruption.

The principle of this policy is to compute the checksum of files and store them in the robinhood database. Next time a file is checked, if the file doesn't seam to have changed (same mtime, same size), it should have the same checksum. If not, the file may be corrupted and its checksum status is marked as 'failed' in robinhood DB.

You can easily get a summary of the checksum status of filesystem entries, and list the entries for each status.


Policy declaration

  • Include '' in your config file to define the 'checksum' policy:
 %include "includes/"

File classes

  • Specify your policy targets as fileclasses. Fileclass definitions must be based on rather static criteria (like owner, path, group...). They should NOT be based on time criteria (age of last access, last modification, etc.): time-based criteria will be specified in policy rules.
 fileclass important_files {
     definition { type == file and name == "*.data"
                  and tree == "/path/to/important_data" }
  • Define the following fileclass that will help you to define you policy rules (this will make it possible to define a different rule for files that have never been checked):
 fileclass never_checked {
    # never checked => last_check == 0.
    # 'output' stands for previous command stdout
    definition { checksum.last_check == 0 or checksum.output == "" }
    # don't display this fileclass in --classinfo reports.
    report = no;

Policy rules

  • Then specify checksum rules. In the following example, we run the initial checksum computation after 1day, and recheck entries weekly:
 checksum_rules {
    # simple filters to optimize policy run
    ignore { last_check < 1d }
    ignore { last_mod < 1d }
    rule initial_check {
        target_fileclass = never_checked;
        condition { last_mod > 1d }
    rule default {
       condition { last_mod > 1d and last_check > 7d }

Policy triggers

If you want robinhood daemon to regularly run the checksum policy, define a trigger:

 checksum_trigger {
     trigger_on = scheduled;
     check_interval = 6h;

Running the policy

From command line

  • Run a daemon that regularly apply the checksum policy (according to trigger interval):
robinhood --run=checksum -d
  • Check policy rules for all entries. The program exits when the policy run is complete.
robinhood --run=checksum --target=all
  • Match policy rules for a subset of entries:
    • Example 1: apply policy to user 'foo':
robinhood --run=checksum --target=user:foo
    • Example 2: apply policy to fileclass 'small':
robinhood --run=checksum --target=class:small
  • Limit the number of checked entries:
    • Example 1: check 100TB of data
robinhood --run=checksum --target=all --max-vol=100TB
    • Example 2: check 1000 files in OST 23
robinhood --run=checksum --target=ost:23 --max-count=1000

Using robinhood service

To make robinhood daemon run the checksum policy when you start robinhood service:

  • Edit /etc/sysconfig/robinhood (or /etc/sysconfig/robinhood.''fsname'' on RHEL7)
  • Append --run=checksum to RBH_OPT (if the --run option is already present, add it to the list of run arguments, e.g. --run=policy1,checksum).
  • Start (or restart) robinhood service:
    • On RHEL6: service robinhood restart
    • On RHEL7: systemctl restart robinhood[@''fsname'']

Specific reporting

Besides standard report commands, robinhood provides the following reports about checksums:

  • rbh-report --status-info checksum
Indicates the number of entries for each status:
    • empty for entries that have not been checksummed yet
    • ok: checksumming succeeded and is correct
    • failed: checksumming failed, or unexpected checksum value
 checksum.status,     type,      count,     volume,   spc_used,   avg_size
                ,     file,   33433138,    2.14 TB,    2.13 TB,   68.62 KB
              ok,     file,    1517984,  147.25 GB,  149.09 GB,  101.72 KB
          failed,     file,    1901298,  120.60 GB,  125.52 GB,   66.51 KB
 Total: 43347748 entries, volume: 2652255534468 bytes (2.41 TB), space used: 2655941301248 bytes (2.42 TB)
  • rbh-find -status checksum:failed
List entries with the given checksum status (failed in this example).
  • rbh-report -e entry_path_or_fid | grep checksum
Displays checksum specific attributes, e.g.:
 checksum.status: 	ok
 checksum.last_check: 	2016/08/04 17:02:13
 checksum.last_success:	2016/08/04 17:02:13
 checksum.output: 	0:da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709
  • rbh-du --status checksum:ok --details -H
Filter 'du' by checksum status.
         file count:1517984, size:147.3G, spc_used:149.1G

Processing checksums on multiple hosts

The checksum command wrapper provided by robinhood is executed on the same host as the robinhood process.

This can be limiting if you want to run checksum on huge volumes of data, or if you want to avoid overloading the robinhood host with too much I/Os.

You can easily distribute this processing on multiple hosts by writing a wrapper that will distribute the work on several hosts:

  • This wrapper can run 'ssh <node></node> <checksum_cmd></checksum_cmd> ' on a random node in a node set.
  • It can connect to a 'xinetd' service which is dedicated to process these checksums.
  • And there are probably many other ways to do so...
The wrapper must keep the same conventions (output format and error code) as the original robinhood checksum script (/usr/sbin/