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Thomas Leibovici edited this page Jul 4, 2016 · 31 revisions

RUG 2016

Robinhood User Group 2016 - September 19th, 2016 - Paris, France

About this event

The purpose of Robinhood User Group is to gather the robinhood community (user sites, contributors, involved storage vendors) to discuss specific usages and implementations, experiences, tunings, and future directions.

It will take place half a day before LAD on the Afternoon of September 19th, 2016, in Paris, France.


This event is collocated with LAD'16 at Marriott Renaissance Paris le Parc Trocadero Hotel, Paris, France.

Marriott Renaissance Paris le Parc Trocadero Hotel
55-57 Avenue Raymond Poincaré
75116 Paris, France



Registration is free.
The number of seats in the meeting room is limited, and we will take care not to press you like last year :) So, it is advised to register as soon as you are sure to attend this event. Register here

Next years' agenda

13h30 - Welcome coffee

14h00 - Welcoming and introduction (Aurélien Degrémont, Thomas Leibovici, CEA)

14h10 - Project status (Thomas Leibovici, CEA)

14h30 - Robinhood and Lustre-HSM: a return of experience (Bruno Faccini, Intel)

15h00 - CSCS site status (Carmelo Ponti, CSCS)

15h30 - RobinHood in Technical Computing Environments (Daniel Kobras, Science+Computing ag)

16h00 - Break

16h30 - Robinhood v3 (Thomas Leibovici, CEA)

17h00 - Benchmarking Robinhood ingest rate on various architectures (Bruno Travouillon, Sébastien Piechurski, Atos)

17h30 - Short-term and mid-term roadmap for Robinhood (Henri Doreau, CEA)

18h00 - Wrap up

18h10 - End of RUG


For more information, contact: [email protected]

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