Replicate the following result summary component
The colors, font and font size were provided by Frontend Mentor. Margins and paddings were not provided, and I've fixed them by fine-tuning.
Name, price and description of the project are hard-coded inside the html page.
Due to the absence of any data or dynamics, the solution is a static page built with html and css.
In a real scenario I would build a custom component for the card. In particular, using Svelte I would define a component like Product.svelte
export let name;
export let desc;
export let priceFull;
export let priceSales;
export let category;
<div class="right">
<div class="category">
<div class="product-name">
<div class="product-desc">
<div class="price">
<div class="sale-price">
<div class="full-price">
<img src="images/icon-cart.svg" alt="" srcset="">
Add to Cart
<!--- CSS style for the component--->
and use it as
<Product {...productData} />
The responsive layout will be implemented soon.