A comprehensive graphical tool to facilitate the entire process of 3D genome organization, modeling and analysis of Hi-C data.
GenomeFlow is capable of creating index for reference genome, generating maps from raw fastq data files, and reconstructing two-dimensional (2D) and three-Dimensional (3D) chromosome and genome models with a graphical user interface.
If you have further difficulties using GenomeFlow, please do not hesitate to contact us ([email protected])
Please see the wiki for an extensive documentation, or download the user guide
In this repository, we include the folowing:
- executable: contains sample datasets. Download latest version of the GenomeFlow executable from here
- src: contains the GenomeFlow source codes
- user_guide: contains user guide
- lib: contains the external libraries used in source code
GenomeFlow consists of three parts: the pipeline that takes raw fastq files to create a formatted text files called the 1D-Functions, the analysis of binned Hi-C file called 2D-Functions, and three-dimensional (3D) models analysis called 3D-Functions tools.
GenomeFlow requires the use of a computer, with ideally >= 4 cores (min 1 core) and >= 4 GB RAM (min 2 GB RAM)
The minimum software requirement to run GenomeFlow is a working Java installation (version >= 1.7) on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX. We recommend using the latest Java version available, but please do not use the Java Beta Version. Minimum system requirements for running Java can be found at https://java.com/en/download/help/sysreq.xml
To download and install the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE), please go to https://www.java.com/download
The latest version of BWA should be installed from http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net/.
The latest version of Bowtie2 should be installed from http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/index.shtml
The latest version of Bowtie2 should be installed Samtools (http://samtools.sourceforge.net/)
Installation Instructions for BWA
, Bowtie2
, and Samtools
can be found here
The project uses JUnit for testing and Maven to manage dependencies and builds. It can be imported into Eclipse as a Maven project.
- Maven: manage builds and dependencies.
If using Eclipse, there is no need to install Maven. Otherwise, Maven needs to be installed to compile the code.
- Example commands
mvn compile
: to compile
mvn test
: to run test
mvn package
: to compile, test and package
Requires Java JDK 1.8 (not JRE but JDK, set JAVA_HOME to JDK folder)