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Upscale Frames

Jerry Hogsett edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 3 revisions

Screenshot 2023-03-06 163708


  • Increase the size of video frames
  • Clean up dirty/deteriorated frames
  • Can be used to clean frames without upscaling


Real-ESRGAN must be installed locally to use

  1. See the Resources tab or go to Real ESRGAN Github to access Real-ESRGAN repository
  2. Clone their repo to its own directory and follow their instructions for local setup
  3. Copy the realesrgan directory to your VFIformer-WebUI directory
  • The Real-ESRGAN 4x+ model (65MB) will automatically download on first use

How It Works

  1. Set Input Path to a directory on this server to the PNG files to be upscaled
    • JPG, GIF and BMP files will also be upscaled if found in the path
    • Tip: the config setting upscale_settings:file_types specifies the searched types
  2. Set Output Path to a directory on this server for the upscaled PNG files
    • If Output Path is set, upscaled files are saved as sequentially indexed PNG files with a fixed filename
    • When Output Path is left empty, upscaled files are saved to the input path using the original filename and format, and marked with the outscale amount.
  3. Set Frame Upscale Factor for the desired amount of frame enlargement
    • The factor can be set between 1.0 and 8.0 in 0.05 steps
    • Real-ESRGAN will perform upscaling when factor is > 1.0
      • Tip: It will remove dirt and noise even when not upscaling
  4. Click Upscale Frames
  5. Real-ESRGAN is used on each frame in the input path
    • Frames are cleaned up, and enlarged if necessary
    • The new frames are copied to the output path
  6. When complete, the output path will contain a new set of frames
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