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MP4 to PNG Sequence

Jerry Hogsett edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 2 revisions

Screenshot 2023-03-06 162334

How It Works

  1. Set MP4 File to the path and filename of a MP4 file on this server for conversion
  2. Set PNG Files Path to a path on this server for the converted PNG files
  3. Set Output Filename Pattern to a pattern for the new filenames
    • The pattern should be a base filename + frame index specifier + and filetype
    • The frame index specifier should be based on the video frame count for proper sorting
    • Examples:
      • image%03d.png allows for output filenames image000.png through image999.png
      • image%05d.png allows for output filenames image00000.png through image99999.png
  4. Set Frame Rate to the source video FPS to avoid repeated or dropped frames
  5. Click Convert
  6. ffmpeg.exe is used to perform the conversion
  7. The Details box shows the ffmpeg.exe command line used


  • ffmpeg.exe must be available on the system path
  • The Video Preview tab on the Video Blender page can be used to watch a preview video of a set of PNG files
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