Did you attend #KatsConf15? send a PR with your pictures or videos or if you want to leave some feedback about it Speakers please send a PR with links to your slides and related posts!! Thanks :D
- Claudia Doppiolash - REPL Your Way Into Android Development
- Yan Cui - A Tour of the language landscape
- Jan Machacek - Muvr—a distributed exercise machine learning system
- Iain Hull - Improving Correctness with Types (references)
- Bob Long - Introduction to Yesod
- Jose Garcia-Sacristan - [Managing PTZ cameras with Phoenix] (http://www.slideshare.net/JoseGarciaSacristan/managing-ptz-cameras-using-elixir-and-the-phoenix-framework)
Kats conf 15 photos by Functional Kats is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.