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Stoc Programming Language

Stoc is a statically strongly typed language with C-like syntax. It is imperative and compiled. Stoc is a simple programming language whose aim is to be able to write basic programs and print the reuslts to the screen.

The compiler for the Stoc language transforms Stoc source code into LLVM IR, and uses the LLVM infrastructure to transform the LLVM IR into native machine code.

Structure of the compiler implemented for Stoc

For a more complete description of the project than the one found in this, please see the Report of the project.

Table of contents

  1. Syntax Guide
  2. Project Structure
  3. Installation
  4. Notes

Syntax Guide

Variables and Constants

Stoc only contains simple types: bool, int, float and string. A variable (or constant) is declared with the keyword var (or const) followed by the type and the identifier, and it always has to be initialized. It ends with a semicolon:

// Declaring a variable
var bool a = true;
var int integer = 5;
const float b6 = 6.0;
const string charaters = "string";

Use double forward-slashes // to define single-line comments.

Basic Operators

There are basic operators for the different types:

  • Assignment operator (=), Arithmetic operators (+ - * / ), Comparison operators (== !=), Order operators (< > <= >=), and Logical operators (! && ||).
const bool a = true && true;
var int integer = 5 + 5 * (7 - 4) / 3;
var float f = 6.0 * 7.0 / 3.5;
const string characters = "string";
const string characters2 = "strings2";
var bool isEqual = f == g;

Control Flow


if testexpression {
    // body
} else if testexpression2 {
    // body
} else {
    // body


var int temp = 12;
if temp > 30 {
    println ( " It ’ s hot " ) ;
    if temp > 40 {
        print ( " It ’ s very very hot " ) ;
} else if temp >= 15 {
    println ( " It ’ s warm " ) ;
} else {
    println ( " It ’ s cold " ) ;

For loop


for init; condition; post {
    // body


for var int i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1 {
    print("Number is: ");

While loop


while testexpression {
    // body


// Example of while loop : calculate c = a % b
var int a = 10;
var int b = 3;
var int c = 10;
while c >= b {
    c = c - b;
print (" 10 % 3 is ");
print (c);


toc has functions and are defined by the keyword func followed by the identi- fier, the parameter list and, optionally, the return type.

To return values from a function, Stoc uses the keyword return. All programs require a main function where the program will start executing. Stoc has two builtin functions to output text: print() and println() that adds a new line.

// Program for printing the factorial of a number
func factorial (var int n) int {
    var int res = 1;
    while n > 0 {
        res = res * n;
        n = n - 1;
    return res;

func main () {
    const int c = 10;
    print(" Factorial of number ");
    print(" is ");
    println (factorial(c));

Stoc also supports function overloading depending on the number and type of pa- rameters of the function.

Project Structure

 |-- assets/                     <- images used in the
 |-- examples/                   <- examples of Stoc source code
 |-- include/                    <- public header files
 |    `-- stoc/
 |         |-- AST/
 |         |-- CodeGeneration/
 |         |-- Parser/
 |         |-- Scanner/
 |         |-- SemanticAnalysis/
 |         `-- SrcFile/
 |-- libs/                       <- header-only external libraries 
 |-- src/                        <- implementation files
 |   |-- AST/
 |   |-- CodeGeneration/
 |   |-- Parser/
 |   |-- Scanner/
 |   |-- SemanticAnalysis/
 |   `-- SrcFile/
 |-- utils/                      <- files for running and developping in Docker 
 `-- CMakeLists.txt              <- main CMake file


Building on Unix

System Requirements

The Stoc compiler uses the LLVM toolchain to compile Stoc programs. For this reason, to build the Stoc compiler you will need the following dependencies:

  • build-essential
  • python
  • zlib
  • cmake
  • llvm
  • clang

Setting up

  1. Clone the source code with git:
git clone
cd stoc
  1. Build the compiler
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
  1. Run the compiler
./src/stoc <>

You can try any of the examples or create your own program in Stoc!

Building with Docker

Using Docker for running the compiler

Dockerfile.stoc-build is a Dockerfile that contains the necessary dependencies to build the Stoc compiler.

  • Go to the root path of the repository
  • Build the image stoc-build
docker build -t stoc-build -f utils/docker/Dockerfile.stoc-build .
  • Run the container
bash utils/docker/


docker run -it --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/stoc,type=bind stoc-build

As you can see, when running the docker container, you make use of the bind mount functionality to mount the directory of the host machine into the container. Please, see Use bind mounts to learn more.

  • Already inside the container, change directory to: /stoc. Then, build the compiler.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
  • Run the compiler
./src/stoc <>

You can try any of the examples or create your own program in Stoc!

Using Docker for developping the compiler

For the development of stoc, it has been used the Clion IDE using docker containers for building the project through ssh remote development. To do this in Clion or any other IDE or code editor that supports it:

  • Go to the root path of the repository
  • Build the image stoc-remote-dev
docker build -t stoc-remote-dev -f utils/docker/Dockerfile.stoc-remote-dev .
  • Run the container
bash utils/docker/


docker run -d --cap-add sys_ptrace -p127.0.0.1:2222:22 --name stoc-remote-dev stoc-remote-dev

This opens in localhost the port 2222 to be able to ssh into the container with user dev and password dev.


This project is part of the course DD2466 Second Advanced, Individual Course in Computer Science during my studies at KTH. You can read the report for the project.


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