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Visualize data (clusters)

jfnavarro edited this page May 12, 2021 · 2 revisions

Another useful feature of the ST Viewer is the possibility to show/hide clusters of spots. Spot clusters can be defined trough the Spots classification) or when loading spot clusters from a file.

Note that the spots will only be shown if the "Show spots" box is checked in the "Visualization settings". Otherwise only the shown genes (if any) will be shown.

To show/hide clusters you must use the "Clusters" panel

The Clusters panel will show all the spots present in the dataset.

The buttons () and () let you show and hide all the selected clusters.

The button () let you change the color of the selected clusters.

You may also select clusters individually and use right click to show/hide or change the color.

The columns in the Clusters panel have different meaning:

  1. "Show" shows a tick if the cluster is being shown
  2. "Cluster" shows the name of the cluster
  3. "Color" shows the color of the cluster
  4. "#Count" shows the total number of spots in the cluster

You may sort the clusters by any of the columns which can be very convenient.

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