I love to code especially to try new technologies. I also love to challenge myself to solve complex issues/problems through coding. This repository is my collection of solutions for technical/coding tasks during interview and programming contest/competition.
- 001 - Reading CSV File
- 002 - Report Repair
- 003 - Report Repair Part 2
- 004 - Password Philosophy Part 1
- 005 - Password Philosophy Part 2
- 006 - House Robber
- 007 - Tobbogan Trajectory
- 008 - Longes Word
- 009 - Maximum Subarray
- 010 - Move Zeroes
- 011 - Contains Duplicate
- 012 - Passport Processing
- 013 - Reverse Integer
- 014 - Implement Queue using Stacks
- 015 - Binary Boarding
- 016 - Custom Customs
- 017 - Fibonacci Number
- 018 - Handy Havesacks
- 019 - Handheld Halting
- 020 - Encoding Error
- 021 - Adapter Array
- 022 - Seating System
- 023 - Sonar Sweep
- 024 - Dive!
- 025 - Binary Diagnostic
- 026 - Giant Squid
Please feel free to try or use any solutions here. I welcome any comments and feedback from all of you 😃