This is Part 3 of the series "Modular Isomorphic React JS applications". See Part 1 and Part 2 for more.
tl;dr: Isomorphic rendering with forms can be a painful combination. React
has us covered with refs
and componentDidMount()
, but we still need to unit
test those solutions.
As we learned in Part 1, React is really powerful when used to build Isomorphic applications. Unfotunately, it has a gotchya when dealing with state change and slow loading Javascript:
When the user is on a slow connection (mobile, for example), the
script file may take some time to download. During this time, the user is already presented with the form and can begin interacting with the checkbox.Unfortunately, if the user toggles the checkbox to
, when React renders the DOM, it will not detect the changed state, instead using the passed in state as the source of truth (as it rightly should).
As pointed out further in the tutorial, we can use
to mitigate the effects, and update the state as soon as React is done browser
side rendering.
But, we still need to test this aspect (our Mobile Users need to have the best possible experience too!)
Continuing on from Part 2, we will use Mocha + jsdom to build out test cases for covering this sutation.
tl;dr: Get the completed example
We'll be using these libraries:
- Node.js
- npm
- React - ^0.12.0
- react-tools - to compile JSX to JS
- Mocha - testing framework and runner
- jsdom - headless DOM for React to use in tests
Our code structure will look like this:
├── common
│ └── components # All our react components
├── lib
│ └── components # Our jsx-compiled components
└── test
└── components # Unit tests for components
We previously built the component common/components/todo-item.js
in Part 1:
// file: common/components/todo-item.js
var React = require('react');
module.exports = React.createClass({
displayName: 'TodoItem',
* Lifecycle functions
getInitialState: function() {
return { done: this.props.done }
componentDidMount: function() {
render: function() {
return (
<input ref="done" type="checkbox" defaultChecked={this.state.done} onChange={this.onChange} />
* Event handlers
onChange: function(event) {
* Utilities
setDone: function(done) {
this.setState({ done: !!done});
Notice our use of componentDidMount()
on line 14, and our use of refs
lines 15 & 21
Since this component contains JSX, we must build it before we can use it by
executing ./node_modules/.bin/jsx common/components/ lib/components/
executable via npm run jsx
in the example repo). This will save the built file
into lib/components/todo-item.js
Previously, we setup jsdom with a simple DOM consisting of an empty <body>
this time we want to set it up to mimic what our isomorphic server would have
rendered. We can see from Part
that it looks like this (thanks to React.renderToString()
<label data-reactid=".e8wbttvlkw" data-react-checksum="-1336527625"><input type="checkbox" data-reactid=".e8wbttvlkw.0"><span data-reactid=".e8wbttvlkw.1">Write Tutorial</span></label>
Remember: space is important, don't prettify the HTML!
This gives us a final test/setup.js
file like:
// file: test/setup.js
var jsdom = require('jsdom');
// Simulating a server-side rendered component
// This was obtained via React.renderToString()
// Store this DOM and the window in global scope ready for React to access
global.document = jsdom.jsdom('<!doctype html><html><body><label data-reactid=".e8wbttvlkw" data-react-checksum="-1336527625"><input type="checkbox" data-reactid=".e8wbttvlkw.0"><span data-reactid=".e8wbttvlkw.1">Write Tutorial</span></label></body></html>');
global.window = document.parentWindow;
tl;dr: Get the completed test file in the example repo at test/component/todo-item.js
Using a similar approach to our tests in Part 2, we start with what we want to test:
// file: test/component/todo-item.js
var assert = require('assert');
describe('Todo-item component', function(){
it('is checked before React mount', function() {
assert(this.isomorphicInputElement.checked === true);
describe('after React mount, <input>', function() {
it('should be checked', function() {
assert(this.inputElement.checked === true);
it('should be identical DOM element', function() {
assert(this.inputElement === this.isomorphicInputElement);
it('has checked state', function() {
assert(this.renderedComponent.state.done === true);
Let's start with getting access to this.isomorphicInputElement
. jsdom has us
covered here, as we've setup the global document
in test/setup.js
, allowing
us to query it with getElementsByTagName
// file: test/component/todo-item.js
var assert = require('assert');
describe('Todo-item component', function(){
before('setup DOM', function() {
this.isomorphicInputElement = document.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]
// [...]
You'll notice in our first test, we are asserting .checked === true
, but keep
in mind when we generated the static html, the component's state is done: false
This is where we simulate a user having access to the DOM before the JS has finished downloading; We check the checkbox:
// file: test/component/todo-item.js
var assert = require('assert');
describe('Todo-item component', function(){
before('setup DOM', function() {
this.isomorphicInputElement = document.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]
// Simulate a click on the DOM element to check the checkbox
this.isomorphicInputElement.checked = true;
// [...]
This allows our first test to run successfully; npm test
should give output
similar to:
Todo-item component
✓ is checked before React mount
after React mount, <input>
1) should be checked
2) has checked state
3) should be identical DOM element
1 passing (11ms)
3 failing
1) Todo-item component after React mount, <input> should be checked:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'checked' of undefined
2) Todo-item component after React mount, <input> has checked state:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined
3) Todo-item component after React mount, <input> should be identical DOM element:
AssertionError: false == true
So far, so good!
We use an almost identical pattern as we did in Part
2 (with
some different variable names) to setup the rendering for React browser side (in
before('mount React', function() {
// file: test/component/todo-item.js
var assert = require('assert');
describe('Todo-item component', function(){
before('setup DOM', function() {
// [...]
it(/* [...] */)
describe('after React mount, <input>', function() {
before('mount React', function() {
// Create our component
// Note that the state here and the state server side (when rendering the
// isomorphic HTML) must match. This ensures the HTML React searches for
// matches the HTML we have given to jsdom
this.component = TodoItemFactory({
done: false,
name: 'Write Tutorial'
// We want to render into the <body> tag
this.renderTarget = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
// Now, render
this.renderedComponent = React.render(this.component, this.renderTarget);
// Searching for <input> tag within rendered React component
// Throws an exception if not found
this.inputComponent = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(
this.inputElement = this.inputComponent.getDOMNode();
it(/* [...] */)
With this, we are rendering React into the same renderTarget
as the server
side isomorphic render (the <body>
tag). We then search for the <input>
using React's TestUtils
and store the found components in
/ this.inputComponent
/ this.inputElement
ready for
our tests to assert against.
React is smart enough (thanks to its Virtual DOM) to not wipe out our isomorphically rendered DOM element, allowing the next two tests to pass:
it('should be checked', function() {
assert(this.inputElement.checked === true);
it('should be identical DOM element', function() {
assert(this.inputElement === this.isomorphicInputElement);
And, we can assert that our code in componentDidMount()
was successfully
executed by checking on the state:
it('has checked state', function() {
assert(this.renderedComponent.state.done === true);
With all 4 of these tests executed, we have asserted that:
- The isomorphic rendered checkbox can be
before the React JS has loaded and executed - Once the React JS is loaded and executed;
- The DOM element is not erased
- The React component's state is correctly updated
All together now, and we end up with a complete test that can be run with
./node_modules/.bin/mocha --recursive
(alternatively can be run as npm test
in the example repo):
// file: test/component/todo-item.js
var React = require('react/addons'),
assert = require('assert'),
TodoItem = require('../../lib/components/todo-item'),
TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils,
// Since we're not using JSX here, we need to wrap the component in a factory
// manually. See
TodoItemFactory = React.createFactory(TodoItem);
describe('Todo-item component', function(){
before('setup DOM', function() {
this.isomorphicInputElement = document.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]
// Simulate a click on the DOM element to check the checkbox
this.isomorphicInputElement.checked = true;
it('is checked before React mount', function() {
assert(this.isomorphicInputElement.checked === true);
describe('after React mount, <input>', function() {
before('mount React', function() {
// Create our component
this.component = TodoItemFactory({
done: false,
name: 'Write Tutorial'
// We want to render into the <body> tag
this.renderTarget = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
// Now, render
this.renderedComponent = React.render(this.component, this.renderTarget);
// Searching for <input> tag within rendered React component
// Throws an exception if not found
this.inputComponent = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(
this.inputElement = this.inputComponent.getDOMNode();
it('should be checked', function() {
assert(this.inputElement.checked === true);
it('should be identical DOM element', function() {
assert(this.inputElement === this.isomorphicInputElement);
it('has checked state', function() {
assert(this.renderedComponent.state.done === true);
$ npm test
> [email protected] test /home/teddy/dev/react-mocha-jsdom
> mocha --recursive
Todo-item component
✓ is checked before React mount
after React mount, <input>
✓ should be checked
✓ should be identical DOM element
✓ has checked state
4 passing (23ms)