This section showcases basic usage of Ocelot as API Gateway.
Ocelot is a pluggable API gateway that you can install on top of core projects. DIY gateways generally offer the following benefits:
- Open-source and free of charge
- Good for existing on-premise deployments without modifications to ecosystem
- Can easily be propagated to cloud environments (Low migration cost)
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Postman (Optional for testing)
Run the following shell command to boot up this demo
# Windows Users and Root Linux Users
docker-compose up -d
# Non-root Linux Users
sudo docker-compose up -d
You can utilize the postman payload found on the root of this folder to test both downstream and gateway endpoints.
To retrieve from downstream endpoints:
# Dowstream Product List
curl -i GET http://localhost:52790/api/products/list
# Dowstream User List
curl -i GET http://localhost:52791/api/users/list
# Dowstream Transaction List
curl -i GET http://localhost:52792/api/transactions/list
To retrieve from gateway endpoints:
# Gateway Product List
curl -i GET http://localhost:52793/api/products
# Gateway User List
curl -i GET http://localhost:52793/api/users
# Gateway Transaction List
curl -i GET http://localhost:52793/api/transactions