Behavioral Cloning from Observation [Paper]
- Implement tensorflow 2.0 version and push to
This is an implementation of BCO in Tensorflow on cartpole environment.
There are two phases in BCO: (1) Inverse dynamic model which experience in a self-supervised fashion. (2) Policy model which use behavioral cloning by observing the expert perform without actions and get the action by (1).
As method above, there are two phases in BCO. In lines 5-9, phase 1, improving the inverse dynamic model. In lines 10-12, phase 2, improving the policy model by behavioral cloning.
After collecting the observation of expert demonstration, you can then train BCO. The training script are in scripts directory. Let's see how to train BCO on cartople:
# python3 models/ --mode=train --input_file=demonstration/cartpole/cartpole.txt --model_dir=model/cartpole/
List of Args:
--input_filename - the demonstration inputs
--mode - train or test
--model_dir - where to save/restore the model
--maxits - the number of training iteration
--M - the number of post demonstration examples
--batch_size - number of examples in batch
--lr - initial learning rate for adam SGD
--save_freq - save model every save_freq iterations, 0 to disable
--print_freq - print reward and loss every print_freq iterations, 0 to disable
Get your evaluation result by the testing script in scripts directory. Let's see the examples for evaluate BCO on cartpole:
# python3 models/ --mode=test --model_dir=model/cartpole/
The representation expects trajectories to be in a text file in the form:
[state] [next_state]
Each line in the file represents an observation from state
to next_state
. The demonstration must be in a file that contains only of demonstrations of this form. See demonstration directory for examples.
First in __init__
function you could specific your own environment.
self.env = gym.make('Cartpole-v0') # which could change to any of your environment.
Later you have to implement following function which is related to your model or interact with your own environment.
implement your model.
build_policy_model builds your own policy model
build_idm_model builds your own inverse dynamic model
interact with environment.
pre_demonstration uniform sample action to generate (s_t, s_t+1) and action pairs
post_demonstration uses policy to generate (s_t, s_t+1) and action pairs
eval_rwd_policy gets reward by evaluate the policy function
Implement the above function. See in models directory for examples.
title={Behavioral Cloning from Observation},
author={Torabi, Faraz and Warnell, Garrett and Stone, Peter},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.01954},