Releases: jeremytammik/RevitLookup
User interface
Introducing a collection of new icons for properties, methods, fields, and events, ensuring a visually appealing representation
Enhanced Performance with Separate UI Thread
The RevitLookup user interface now operates in a dedicated thread, independent of Revit's workload. This architectural improvement significantly enhances smoothness and responsiveness
New Additional Setting Options
Introducing a range of new setting options that expand customization capabilities and provide users with greater control over the tool's behavior
Class fields
Introducing support for displaying class fields, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the class structure
Class events
Introducing support for displaying class events, facilitating better comprehension of event-driven programming within the class
Class private members
Empowering developers with the ability to visualize and access class private fields, properties, methods, and events, providing a complete overview of the class implementation
ElementId Redirection to Category
Implemented a helpful feature that automatically redirects ElementId to Category, whenever applicable. This simplifies navigation and enhances the user experience
Content Virtualization
Applied content virtualization to the dashboard and settings page, optimizing performance by efficiently managing large amounts of data and dynamically loading content as needed. This results in a smoother and more efficient user interaction
Static members support
For example, RevitLookup now supports the display of these and other properties and methods:
Category.GetCategory(); Document.GetDocumentVersion() UIDocument.GetRevitUIFamilyLoadOptions() Application.MinimumThickness
Ribbon update
SplitButton replaced by PullDownButton. Thank for voting
- Added DefinitionGroup support
- Added Element.GetMaterialArea support
- Added Element.GetMaterialVolume support
- Added FamilyInstance.get_Room support
- Added FamilyInstance.get_ToRoom support
- Added FamilyInstance.get_FromRoom support
- "Show element" is no longer available for ElementType
- Fixed issue when GetMaterialIds method didn't return nonPaint materials #163
- Added Workset support
- Added WorksetTable support
- Added Document.GetUnusedElements support
- Fixed Dashboard window startup location
Fixed Fatal Error on Windows 10 #153
Accent colour sync with OS now only available in Windows 11 and above. Many thanks to Aleksey Negus for testing builds
Major changes
Added option to enable hardware acceleration (experimental)
The user interface is now more responsive. Revit uses software acceleration by default. Contact us if you encounter problems with your graphics cards
Known issue: rendering performance drops on selection. This is especially evident on
roofs. -
Added button to enable RevitLookup panel on Modify tab by @ricaun in #152
Disabled by default. Thanks vor voting
Opening RevitLookup window only when the Revit runtime context is available #155
- Added shortcuts support for the Modify tab #150
- Added EvaluatedParameter support
- Added Category.get_Visible support
- Added Category.get_AllowsVisibilityControl support
- Added Category.GetLineWeight support
- Added Category.GetLinePatternId support
- Added Category.GetElements extension
- Added Reference.ConvertToStableRepresentation support
- Fixed rare crashes in EventMonitor on large models
- Fixed Curve.Evaluate resolver using EndParameter as values
- Added installers for previous RevitLookup versions
End Of Life WinForm
Revit Lookup (formerly known as RvtMgdDbg) was developed by Jim Awe in 2005.
However, due to advances in technology and new features and functionality, it was decided to discontinue support for the RevitLookup version based on the current engine using WinForms.
This means that there will be no more updates and bug fixes and no more user support for the classic version. Users who are still using the classic version of RevitLookup may consider upgrading to a newer, supported version of the software. Starting with version 2024, RevitLookup has been rewritten completely from scratch with a new UI and architecture by @Nice3point
The WinForms build includes versions 2015-2023
In this release, the entire code base has been completely rewritten from scratch with a redesigned user interface. New tools, OTA update, Windows 11 support
A brand-new user interface
Extended context menu
Wiki page:
The Snoop Selection button has been moved to the Modify tab
Smooth navigation. Enable acceleration in Revit settings if you are having trouble with this option
Windows 11 Mica effect support
Windows 11 Snap Layouts support
Accent colour synced with OS
New logo
Searchbar. Focus is triggered by pressing any key on the keyboard
A brand-new core
Extensions. Support new methods from the API and other libraries
Available extensions:
Displaying all methods that objects have, even if RevitLookup does not support them
Generic names support
Before Now -
Multiple results for methods with overloads
Extensible storage moved to the
method -
Adding new features and extending the functionality of RevitLookup just got easier. Developer's guide:
New features
Snoop Point
Snoop Sub-Element
Snoop UI Application
Component manager. Explore AdWindows.dll and learn how the ribbon and user interface in Revit are arranged
PerformanceAdviser. Explore document performance issues
Registry research: schemas, services, updaters
Explore BuiltIn and Forge units
Event monitor. Track all incoming events. Events from the RevitAPI.dll and RevitAPIUI.dll libraries are available. The search bar is used to filter results
Reworked search. Now you can search for multiple values by
andType IfcGUID
parametersWiki page:
Visual search in a project.
Showing elements:
Showing faces (Revit 2023 or higher):
Showing solids (Revit 2023 or higher):
Showing edges (Revit 2023 or higher):
OTA update. The RevitLookup update is now available directly from the plugin
Designed & Developed by Nice3point 🕊
In this update:
- New: Hello World window changed to About
- New: resorted commands on the Revit ribbon, frequently used moved to the top
- New: added Snoop Active Document command
- Fix: revert support search index from keyboard
- Fix: removed null label for ElementID
Revit 2023 support
Minor UI changes #135