Nonogram puzzle game written in Vala/Gtk.
To build the latest code with the latest Platform and Sdk, open a terminal and navigate to the root folder of the source code. Then run these commands:
sudo apt install flatpak
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists --system appcenter
flatpak install io.elementary.Platform io.elementary.Sdk (choose 'daily' versions)
sudo apt install flatpak-builder
mkdir ./build
flatpak-builder --force-clean --install --user build com.github.jeremypw.gnonograms.yml
Gnonograms can be run from the terminal with
flatpak run com.github.jeremypw.gnonograms`
Gnonograms will also appear in the Applications Menu.
flatpak uninstall com.github.jeremypw.gnonograms