Deployment, enumeration, and other offensive security scripts.
git clone
cd pentest_scripts && chmod +x *.sh
Add scripts to path for easy access:
echo 'alias enum="sh [INSERT PATH]/pentest_scripts/"' | tee -a ~/.zshrc
- The primary purpose of this script is to easily bring environment to operational readiness across various categories of security. Secondary purpose is to convert any Debian-based distribution into an offensive-ready state.
$ ./deploy -h
all: -a
web tools: -i
network tools: -n
windows tools: -w
post-exploitation tools: -p
wordlists: -l
reverse engineering tools: -r
cloud: -c
rf-sdr: -s
-----------------Function Calls------------------
-- setup
-- file_struct
-- environment
-- general_tools
-- web_tools
-- windows_tools
-- wordlists
-- reverse_engineering_tools
-- post_exploitation_tools
-- cloud
-- rf_sdr_tools
./ -i <ip_addr> [OPTIONS]
./ -d <domain> [OPTIONS]
./ -i <ip_addr> -d <domain> -a
-- -i [IP]
-- &&/or
-- -d [domain]
-- All: -a
-- Network enum: -n
-- DNS enum: -s
-- HTB / CTF mode: -c
-- Web enum: -w
-- Help: -h
Required Packages | all downloaded in deployment script | |
nmap | searchsploit | gospider |
dirsearch | rpcclient | dig |
smbclient | whatweb | enum4linux |
curl | rustscan | wfuzz |
gowitness | nikto | crackmapexec |
- Add long names for deployment script switches
- Refactor enumeration script:
- fix LFI/SMB functions
- fix hostname discovery and directory bruteforce/enumeration domain/IP conflict when provided with both or just domain