I'm very proud to be part of RLadies Sydney! It's such a welcoming and supportive community (...and I love talking and learning about R). To learn more about R Ladies Sydney, you can visit the website here.
Tidy Tuesday is a weekly event where R users around the world explore a unique dataset that is posted here every Tuesday. Many people share their findings on twitter with #TidyTuesday.
In 2019, R Ladies Sydney had a meet up event called "Gettin Vizzy with it: Tidy Tuesday" and I (nervously) volunteered to live code the latest dataset that was just uploaded. In order to prepare for this event, I downloaded several past datasets and practiced creating visualizations on the spot. I looked at datasets on board games, pizza, and my personal favorite - the world cup. The week of the event, the "cars" dataset was released, so that's the dataset I live coded at the R Ladies event. However, it was not the most exciting dataset, so after my live coding, we switched to a more interesting dataset on pet names for the rest of the event. You can find more information about this event here.
Because we've been unable to hold regular in person meet ups as a result of Covid-19, R Ladies Sydney came up with this awesome idea to host online "Show and Tell" meet ups. During these events, anyone who wants can share what they've been working on in R (or you can just sit back and enjoy the presentations). People share things like:
- complex code for interactive and animated graphs
- simple tricks in R that may come in handy
- interesting packages that many people have probably never heard of
It's really fun and inspiring to see what other people in the community are working on. My Show and Tell R folder includes R code that I've shared at past meet ups.