I sought advice via Twitter on how to get photos for talks that are appropriately licensed, w/o undue fuss:
Seeking deeply pragmatic strategy to find photos that are [1] awesome / funny & [2] licensed s.t. you can actually use them in a talk. Help?
Random funny photo from @_inundata of indeterminate licensing:
Here's the abundance of riches I got back:
- do regular Google image search BUT under "Search tools", use the "Usage rights" drop-down to filter for images with various levels of reuse/modification permission, h/t @andyteucher
- use flickr.com
- advanced search has a license drop-down, h/t @jimbob, @j_houg, @monkmanmh
- creative commons on flickr lets you drill down to various creative commons licenses, then you can search within, h/t @davidascher
- http://morguefile.com: free high resolution digital stock photography, via @TrestleJeff, who described it as "quantity > quality"
- https://pixabay.com: free photos, vectors, art illustrations, videos, all CC0, via @jschwabish and @TrestleJeff, who described it as "quality> quantity"
- https://www.pexels.com: 10K CC0 photos, via @jschwabish
- https://unsplash.com: high-res CC0 photos, via @jschwabish
- http://gratisography.com: CC0 photos all by some dude named Ryan McGuire, via @jschwabish and @graham_enos
- http://www.lifeofpix.com: CCO photos, via 365labs.com and @SteffLocke
- http://unrestrictedstock.com/: Free and Unrestricted Stock Photos & Vectors. via @nj_tierney who heard it through The Public
- http://openphoto.net/: Curated Open Source Photos via @nj_tierney who heard it through The Public
- https://www.freemediagoo.com/: Unique Royalty-Free Stock Photos, Textures and More: All Free! via @nj_tierney who heard it through The Public
- https://stocksnap.io: CCO photos, via 365labs.com and @SteffLocke
- Wikimedia Commons: a database of 31,327,232 freely usable media files, h/t @helsouth
- Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Online Catalog, h/t @helsouth
- 13 Sources For Free Public Domain and CC0-Licensed Images, several of which appear above, h/t @TimSteeno
- 17 Amazing Sites With Breathtaking Free Stock Photos, several of which appear above, h/t @TimSteeno
- Good Free Photos - Thousands of public domain stock photos categorized by geographic location, constantly updated
Other liberally licensed things:
- http://www.iconsdb.com Free flat one color icons which you can custom color via HEX and even textures. Twitter, GitHub, abstract pie charts, etc etc.
- http://www.1001fonts.com
- https://undraw.co/ A constantly updated design project with beautiful SVG images that you can use completely free and without attribution