- goal: adding Flask & Postgres to Docker, set up database
- flask is the api
- postgres holds all the station data in 2 tables: stations and station_changes
- currently:
- making requests to flask api from consumer
- add station history update requests to station add & update
- create a testintegration service
- docker tutorial
- Confluent + Docker tutorial
- defining an avro schema
- Processing streamining.io data code example
- Citibike "General Bikeshare Feed Specification" (GBFS) for avro schema
- Docker image and guide for spark, dockerfile and scripts for spark application
- flask/ postgres docker tutorial
Helpful Docker commands:
docker-compose up
,docker-compose down
- e.g. docker-compose up -d --build
docker-compose ps
: prints status of servicesdocker-compose logs
- 'docker inspect web | grep "IPAddress"': gets container ip address
docker system prune -a
use this or run out of storagedocker-compose run <service-name> bash
- bash depends on the container (bash has to exist). some just have bin/sh
- from within the container, can run commands
- e.g. docker-compose run web python manage.py seed_db
docker-compose exec <service-name> bash
- get into an already running service
- e.g. docker exec -it bikeshare-db psql -U postgres
- if there isn't permission to run something, add
chmod +x services/users/entrypoint.sh
- list containers:
docker container ls
Helpful database commands:
- recreate the dev database:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml \ run web python manage.py recreate_db
- get into psql:
docker exec -ti $(docker ps -aqf "name=bikeshare-db") psql -U postgres
- run flask tests
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml run web python manage.py test
Helpful flask:
- Use TDD when adding flask routes https://testdriven.io/part-one-restful-routes
- Postman is nice when working on APIs https://www.getpostman.com/
Tips from friends / the internet:
- look at elastic beanstalk or elastic containers
- it will take patience
- look into circleci
- S3 is for static assets
- use RDS for db
might want a docker-compose.prod
- because there could be a different dev database
- use env variables in docker-compose