Prevent triggering builds on closed PRs #866
Open / Jenkins
Sep 5, 2024 in 27m 30s
windows-8/Archive (windows-8): error in 'error' step
windows-8 / Build (windows-8) / Archive JUnit-formatted test results
Warning in junit
step, with arguments **/target/surefire-reports/**/*.xml,**/target/failsafe-reports/**/*.xml,**/target/invoker-reports/**/*.xml
7 tests failed
windows-8 / Archive (windows-8) / Error signal
Error in error
step, with arguments There were test failures; halting early
There were test failures; halting early
- linux-8 (1 ms)
- Checkout (linux-8) (9.9 sec)
- Build (linux-8) (3 min 53 sec)
- Archive (linux-8) (14 sec)
- windows-8 (27 min)
- Checkout (windows-8) (17 sec)
- Build (windows-8) (25 min)
Unstable: 7 tests failed - Archive (windows-8) (0.72 sec)
Error: There were test failures; halting early