This repository is the accompanying code for James Nugent's talk at HashiDays New York 2017. It demonstrates deploying the HashiCorp runtime stack (Consul, Nomad and Vault) in a production quality fashion on AWS.
Note: This code has not kept pace with the improvements to Terraform, and targets the version of Terraform that was current at the time of the talk. Pull requests to make it work with 0.12 are welcome!
Note: The code in this repository will provision real resources in AWS which cost real money! Be careful!
The following steps cover local usage from Mac OS X. The steps from Illumos or Linux are similar, and all processes post-key generation can be run under a continuous integration system such as TeamCity or Jenkins.
Unlike many Terraform demonstrations, there is no single step to "build the world". Instead, Terraform state files are layered together. For ease of distribution, everything is contained in one repository, though this may not be optimal depending on the quality of the CI tools in use. In a production system, many of the steps for generating initial secrets would likely not be carried out on a developer workstation, but instead on an appropriately secured system.
On Mac OS X, you will need the following tools, available via Homebrew or Ruby Gems, or via building with Go:
HashiCorp tools:
-brew install packer
-brew install terraform
Tools for shell scripts:
-brew install findutils
-brew install gnu-tar
-brew install gnupg
-brew install wget
Tools for building packages:
-gem install fpm
-gem install deb-s3
Tools for converting human-friendly formats into Packer input:
-go get
In addition the following tools are recommended, though not required:
-brew install envchain
-brew cask install viscosity
For the purposes of this guide, we are going to use an S3 bucket in the same account for storing Terraform state. There is no reason this has to be the case - you could put it in a separate account, or, better, on a separate hosting provider.
Although we will use Terraform to create the remote state bucket, the state
used for the composition root which creates it will not be managed with remote
state, since a chicken-and-egg problem exists. Instead, we will abandon this
state by writing it to /dev/null
- also protecting against rogue accidental
terraform destroy
operations which could be catastrophic for future
It is worth nothing that Terraform Enterprise does not require this step, since it manages state storage internally.
Create a set of root credentials for an empty AWS account (things may work with resources already in existence, but this is completely untested). These will be used to execute the Terraform which creates the remote state bucket, as well as in the next step to enable CloudTrail, create a password policy, and create some buckets for logs, bootstrap TLS keys and to create a user from which all other Terraform will be executed (likely the set handed to your CI system).
First, edit terraform/GNUmakefile
with a unique bucket name for state. These
must be globally unique (and the default in this repository is already in use!)
Then, Run the following commands with the root AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
set in your environment:
cd terraform
make state-bootstrap
# Check the plan
make state-bootstrap ACTION=apply
make account-bootstrap
# Check the plan
make account-bootstrap ACTION=apply
Following this, the root account credentials should be deleted and should not used as a matter of course. The credentials created for the Terraform account should be used from hereon in.
All of the infrastructure in this repository uses ZFS on Ubuntu 16.04. Despite claims to the contrary, EBS can and does corrupt data, and ZFS can protect against this (in fact, ZFS corrected errors on EBS volumes during preparation of this material). In particular for customer data, running a filesystem other than ZFS in production is negligent.
Since we will use ZFS for all data, we may as well use it for root volumes
also, and get benefits such as pooled storage and snapshots. The directory
contains a Packer template which will scratch-build an
Ubuntu 16.04 AMI (using debootstrap
) with a ZFS root filesystem. It is
described in detail in a post on my blog. To build the base AMI, run
the following commands, with AWS credentials present in your environment:
cd packer
make base-os-ami
The VPC composition root creates a VPC following all known AWS best practices - public and private subnets distributed over three availability zones, a VPC endpoint for S3, NAT and Internet gateways with appropriate routing tables for each subnet. Flow logs are also enabled, along with a DHCP options set customizing the domain name assigned to new instances.
Customise the description, region and address space in the
file, and then run the following commands with the
non-root AWS credentials created in the last step:
cd terraform
make base-vpc
# Check the plan
make base-vpc ACTION=apply
All software should be delivered to machines via the operating system native package manager. In order to do this, we will need to build custom packages for all of the HashiCorp tools (HashiCorp still do not provide them), and for our configurations. We will use S3 as the package manager repository, and need to build the packages before we can build an environmental base image on top of our generic ZFS root AMI built previously.
APT packages are stored in an S3 bucket in the correct structure to be used
with apt-get
. Since using S3 requires credentials and a special transport
plugin to be installed, we instead enable static site hosting on the S3 bucket
from within the VPC we created earlier. This is effected by way of the S3
bucket policy. Access from outside of the VPC (for example from the CI server
which building the packages) still requires credentials.
The apt_repo
Terraform composition root makes use of the base_vpc
composition root outputs in order to populate the VPC ID.
Note: Later on, we will use the deb-s3
utility to upload packages
and metadata to the repository and sign them using a GPG key we will create.
Unfortunately, if the name of the S3 bucket is a valid DNS name, deb-s3
fail under many circumstances. This took too long to find, at some point in
time. Consequently we create a second "staging" bucket with a deb-s3
compatible name, and synchronise the content to the main repository using aws s3 sync
. This has the added benefit that if a package or metadata upload
fails the main repository bucket is less likely to become corrupted.
To build the APT repository, run the following commands with non-root AWS credentials in your environment:
cd terraform
make apt-repo
# Check the plan
make apt-repo ACTION=apply
Generally this step would not be carried out on a developer workstation.
APT repositories are signed with a GPG key. Generate a new key pair using the following commands:
gpg --full-gen-key
Select the default options for key type (RSA and RSA), for key size (2048
bits), and 0
for expiry time, indicating an infinite lifetime.
Use something recognizable for real name, email address and comment:
Real name: Operator Error Operations
Email address: [email protected]
Comment: APT Repository Signing Key
You selected this USER-ID:
"Operator Error Operations (APT Repository Signing Key) <[email protected]>"
Use a secure (i.e. password-manager managed) passphrase for the key pair.
Once the key is generated, it should be present in the output of the command
gpg --list-keys
$ gpg --list-keys
gpg: checking the trustdb
gpg: marginals needed: 3 completes needed: 1 trust model: pgp
gpg: depth: 0 valid: 1 signed: 0 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
pub rsa2048 2017-05-12 [SC]
uid [ultimate] Operator Error Operations (APT Repository Signing Key) <[email protected]>
sub rsa2048 2017-05-12 [E]
You should also have a corresponding secret key shown in the output of gpg --list-secret-keys
$ gpg --list-secret-keys
sec rsa2048 2017-05-12 [SC]
uid [ultimate] Operator Error Operations (APT Repository Signing Key) <[email protected]>
ssb rsa2048 2017-05-12 [E]
Back up the key files in a safe place. The public and secret key material can be exported using the following commands, replacing the key ID with the one generated in the steps above:
$ gpg --output apt_pub.gpg --armor --export C6398F90FA354C7FA2D411B82CE07C37E69C1453
$ gpg --output apt_sec.gpg --armor --export-secret-key C6398F90FA354C7FA2D411B82CE07C37E69C1453
Note that the passphrase is required to export the secret key.
Uupdate packaging/GNUmakefile
with the ID of the generated key for the
Finally, upload the public key material to the stage repository bucket created earlier by using the following command from the root of the repository, with AWS credentials in your environment, substituting your key ID:
stage_bucket=$(cd terraform/roots/apt_repo && terraform output stage)
gpg --armor --export C6398F90FA354C7FA2D411B82CE07C37E69C1453 | \
aws s3 cp - s3://${stage_bucket}/apt.key
Generally this step would not be carried out on a developer workstation.
We use an SSH Certificate to authenticate access to instances where necessary. The OpenSSH configuration is delivered via a Debian package, and so needs to be generated a priori.
Generate a key using the following commands (run from the root of the repository):
umask 77
mkdir ssh-ca
ssh-keygen -C "SSH Certificate Authority" -f ./ssh-ca/ca
umask ${ORIG}
Use a strong passphrase for the key, and back up the key files stored under
in a safe place - the directory is ignored in Git.
Generally this step would not be carried out on a developer workstation.
All HashiCorp runtime products support TLS. We use self-signed certificate authorities for these. Terraform is used to create the root and intermediate certificates and keys, and the certificates are built into the base AMI using an operating system package.
Generate the certificate roots using the following commands (run from the root of the repository), with AWS credentials in your environment:
cd tls-ca
make cas
Generally this step would not be carried out on a developer workstation.
Debian packages for the various HashiCorp and external tools as well as the SSH
configuration and TLS CA Root certificates can now be built. This process is
driven by fpm
rather than the native Debian packaging tools, as we
don't necessarily care about the distribution standards.
We can use the world
target in the GNUmakefile
in the packaging
to build all packages in one go, and then use the repo
target to upload them
to the repository we created earlier.
Run the following commands to build and upload the packages:
cd packaging
make world
# Ensure that AWS credentials are in your environment for these steps
make repo
Next, we can take the generic ZFS root Ubuntu AMI we created eariler, and specialize it for future uses, by installing some common packages including our SSH configuration and our root certificates, and a dynamic MOTD to present useful information when a user signs in.
We'll use Packer to build this AMI. Many variables need to be set in order to build the image correctly. If using something like TeamCity or Terraform Enterprise, these would be set in the UI, however running via Make from the command line, we'll pass them via the environment:
export PACKER_VPC_ID=$(cd terraform/roots/base_vpc && terraform output vpc_id)
export PACKER_SUBNET_ID=$(cd terraform/roots/base_vpc && terraform output public_subnet_ids | head -n 1 | tr -d ",")
export PACKER_APT_REPO=http://$(cd terraform/roots/apt_repo && terraform output bucket)
export PACKER_CA_ROOTS_PACKAGE=hashistack-ca-roots
export PACKER_SSH_CA_PACKAGE=openssh-ca-config
export PACKER_ENVIRONMENT=HashiStack Staging
export AWS_REGION=us-west-2
cd packer
make base-os-config
Now we have the base AMI with our customizations, we can start to build
application servers. The first one we'll do is Consul. The AMI will be
configured to self-bootstrap into a Consul Server cluster when run in an
Autoscaling group with approriate settings. All of the configuration to
actually do that is delivered in a package - consul-bootstrap-aws
As Consul has data stored in it, we'll use a pair of mirrored ZFS EBS volumes in their own pool, with a dataset for each service running on the box. 100GB is likely on the high side for what is necessary, but EBS performance is tied to volume size for GP2 type volumes, so a little extra cost for headroom in both space and performance is a good idea.
export PACKER_VPC_ID=$(cd terraform/roots/base_vpc && terraform output vpc_id)
export PACKER_SUBNET_ID=$(cd terraform/roots/base_vpc && terraform output public_subnet_ids | head -n 1 | tr -d ",")
export AWS_REGION=us-west-2
cd packer
make consul-server
We can now use our Consul Server AMI to build the infrastructure which supports it - an autoscaling group, policies and so forth. This is all provisioned via Terraform.
To built it, run the following commands:
cd terraform
make consul-servers
# Check the plan
make consul-servers ACTION=apply
Once the infrastructure comes up, satisfy yourself of the following:
The Consul servers have their private IP addresses attached to a DNS A record at
for the VPC private hosted zone. -
Instances in the VPC can find Consul servers by resolving
usingdig +search consul
. -
Terminating an instance replaces it with a new server, automatically joining the cluster.
Consul manages the quorum correctly, removing the dead server.
logs from the Consul servers are streaming to CloudWatch.