Hey, I'm Jelly! 25 years old From Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China
🚀 Aspiring Developers | 💡 Technology Lovers | ✨Music Lovers | 🧲 Web3 Developer
“Don’t just write code, write poetry!”
about me 💻 As a full-stack developer, I craft digital experiences and dive deep into JavaScript frameworks to build dynamic and innovative applications.
🌊 Passionate about: - 📖 Reading articles of all types - 🗃️ Listening to music - 🧲 web3 - 🌐 Exploring new dimensions of javascript frameworks - 🌟 Shaping sophisticated web experiences - 🔧 Experimenting with imaginative coding techniques Skills that drive me forward
🌐 Full stack: Node.js、 Nest、Express、React、Vue、Next.js、mini programs 🗃️Database: MySQL 🧲 ORM: typeOrm 🔧 Tools: VSCode、Git