This is a tutorial to demonstrate how to containerize and run PDAL. PDAL is a stand-alone software package that can analyze and manipulate point cloud data files such as .las and .laz. In this tutorial, we will convert a LiDAR .laz file into a Cloud-optimized Point Cloud format (.copc.laz).
git clone
cd pdal_copc
docker run -v $(pwd):/data jeffgillan/pdal_copc:1.0
Your if everything worked correctly, you should have a new file tree.copc.laz
in your present working directory.
Analyzing pointclouds in PDAL requires users to specify processing steps within a json file. PDAL uses the term 'pipeline' to describe this json file.
touch copc.json
nano copc.json
Write this info in the pipeline file. It will convert .las & .laz files to cloud optimized point clouds (.copc.laz)
The shell script will loop through a directory (within the container) and find all .laz and .las files and then convert them to copc.laz. The shell script references the json file (pipeline), so the path to the json needs to be specified within the shell script.
#Define the pipeline JSON file
pipeline="/app/copc.json" #use this path if in a container
#pipeline="./copc.json" #use this path if you are running the shell script on your local conda environment
### Loop over LAS/LAZ files in a directory. If you are running this shell script in a container, then the script is looking for data in the `/data` in the container directory structure.
find /data -type f \( -name "*.las" -o -name "*.laz" \) -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
# Get the file extension
# Run the pipeline with the appropriate reader based on the file extension
if [[ "$extension" == "las" ]]; then
pdal pipeline -i "$pipeline" --readers.las.filename="$file" --writers.copc.filename="${file%.las}.copc.laz"
elif [[ "$extension" == "laz" ]]; then
pdal pipeline -i "$pipeline" --readers.las.filename="$file" --writers.copc.filename="${file%.laz}.copc.laz"
You are creating a Docker image that includes a PDAL base image, the json pipeline file, and the shell script.
touch Dockerfile
nano Dockerfile
FROM pdal/pdal:sha-597ab2df
COPY /app/
COPY copc.json /app/copc.json
RUN chmod +x
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/"]
The following is happening in the Dockerfile:
A PDAL base image is being pulled from Dockerhub
I set the working directory of the container to /app
I copy in the shell script to the path /app
I copy in the pipeline json file to the path /app
I run chmod +x
on the shell script to give everyone permissions
The entrypoint is where the container starts. I want it to start with the shell script.
You are telling it to build an image with the name 'jeffgillan/pdal_copc' with the tag '1.0'. You are building from the Dockerfile in the current working directory '.'
docker build -t jeffgillan/pdal_copc:1.0 .
You are mounting a local volume (-v) directory to the container (/data
). This local directory should have all of the point clouds files you want to convert. $(pwd)
is telling it that the point clouds are in the current working directory. Alternatively, you could specify the point clouds are locating in any local directory.
docker run -v $(pwd):/data jeffgillan/pdal_copc:1.0
The tool should output .copc.laz
files to the same directory where the input point clouds were storesd. It is slow and might take a while.
docker push jeffgillan/pdal_copc:1.0
Create a new conda environment
conda create --yes --name pdal_copc --channel conda-forge pdal
In your conda environment (conda activate pdal_copc) run the following commands to run the shell script
chmod +x