This project provides a SQLAlchemy dialect for communicating with a SQL Anywhere database server. It is built upon the Python SQL Anywhere Database Interface.
The following software is required to use the SQL Anywhere dialect for SQLAlchemy:
- SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 or higher
- Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, or 3.4
- The Python SQL Anywhere Database Interface version 1.0.6 or later
- SQLAlchemy version 0.8.0 or higher
The dialect uses the SQL Anywhere Python driver, which must also be installed. If you are using pip to install the sqlalchemy-sqlany dialect, you can skip this step since the SQL Anywhere Python driver will be installed as part of that step.
The SQL Anywhere Database Interface for Python provides a Database API v2 compliant driver (see Python PEP 249) for accessing SQL Anywhere databases from Python. The SQL Anywhere backend for Django is built on top of this interface so installing it is required.
You can use pip to make this easy:
$ pip install sqlanydb
Alternatively, you can obtain the Python SQL Anywhere Database Interface from Install the driver by downloading the source and running the following command:
$ python install
Again, use pip to install this easily:
$ pip install sqlalchemy-sqlany
This will install the SQL Anywhere python driver if it was not already installed.
Or you can obtain the dialect from Install the dialect by downloading the source and running the following command:
$ python install
Once the Python SQL Anywhere Database Interface driver and the sqlalchemy-sqlany dialect are installed, you can run the standard SQLAlchemy tests by following the following instructions:
- Create an empty database.
- Start a SQL Anywhere server on that database. Make sure the server is listening for TCP/IP connections on the default port (2638) using -x "tcpip(port=2638)".
- Execute
$ python
This package is licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.
For feedback on this project, or for general questions about using SQL Anywhere please use the SQL Anywhere Forum at