PoC for a GraphQL microservice. Explore Scala 3, particularly braceless syntax.
Following capabilities:
- Scala 3 (braceless)
- Federation support
- Handle n+1 queries problem
- Query ClickHouse
- Custom decoders for CH datatypes
- Automatic decoding to Scala types
- Maybe distributed tracing
- Maybe caching with Redis
- Maybe GraalVM native image compilation
- Maybe runnable image using GraalVM native image
- zio
- zio-prelude (newtypes)
- zio-config
- jedis (redis client, gave up on zio-redis due to missing multi support)
- zio-telemetry with opentelemtry sdk (distributed tracing)
- caliban (GraphQL+federation support)
- zquery (n+1 problem)
- tranzactio with anorm (zio wrapper for anorm)
- anorm (Query ClickHouse with nice decoding)
- sbt-tpolecat for scalac configuration
- Start ch docker container
(cd docker && docker-compose start)
- Init test data once when ch is up, run init script
- Init test data once when ch is up, run init script
- Run
sbt run
- Publish app native image
sbt docker:publishLocal
- Start ch docker container and app native image container
(cd docker && docker-compose --profile app start)
- Init test data once when ch is up, run init script
- Init test data once when ch is up, run init script
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/api/graphql' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"query":"query {\n persons {\n persons {\n name\n address {\n street\n }\n }\n }\n}","variables":{}}'
sbt-native-packager docker plugin can be used to create a runnable image ´sbt docker:publishLocal`.
Compile native image in a container sbt graalvm-native-image:packageBin
- Remove
graalVMNativeImageGraalVersion := Some("22.3.2")
from build.sbt - Provide correct path
in build.sbt - Provide native-image in PATH
- Run
sbt graalvm-native-image:packageBin
Above tested with graalvm-ce-java17-22.3.2.
Http server @ localhost:8080
Endpoint | Description |
/api/graphql | GraphQL api |
/graphiql | GraphiQL |
/metrics | Prometheus metrics |
/health/liveness | Liveness |
/health/readiness | Readiness |