Using NodeFly and simple stress testing utilities
So you're sending your first real Node.js app into production. Nervous? You should be. Not because Node isn't ready, but because you haven't yet established a history of gotchas and lessons learned. Are there uncaught exceptions? Did you unknowingly write a blocking function somewhere that will only come back to bite you when your app hits the front page of Hacker News?
In this post we'll explore NodeFly for reporting the performance of Node apps, and a few simple tools for stress testing.
Signing up for an account is really simple. After that, we just install via npm:
npm install nodefly@stable
and then add a block like this to our app code before any other require
And when they say "This must be the first require before you load any modules. Otherwise you will not see data reported" they mean it. I started by first loading nconf so that I could use a familiar way of putting the NodeFly config info in and external file. Sure enough, no data reported.
Also note that the second parameter of that profile
method is in fact an Array. I got stuck on that during my first attempt. It allows you to also include a hostname and a process number, e.g.
['Jed's App', 'local dev', 2]
On the how-to page, NodeFly includes customized setup snippets for Nodejitsu, Heroku, and AppFog.
So let's start with a simple app that runs the fibonacci sequence for a variable number of iterations.
app.get('/block/:n', function(req, res){
var blockres = fibonacci(parseInt(req.param('n'), 10));
res.send("done: " + blockres);
function fibonacci(n) {
if (n < 2)
return 1;
return fibonacci(n-2) + fibonacci(n-1);
There is of course no reason why you need to use tools written in Node to test Node apps. Nevertheless, here are a couple simple ones I found by digging through npm
zanchin/node-http-perf is a tool with a familiar CLI:
nperf -c 5 -n 10
That will send a total of 10 requests to, 5 at a time.
(doubaokun/node-ab) has an even simpler command:
While running, it increases the number of requests by 100 more per second until less than 99% of requests are returned.
Mike Pennisi of bocoup has a great three-part write up of his experience stress-testing a realtime Node.js app. His focus was primarily on testing performance. In the process, he created a fork of Bees with Machine Guns that's worth checking out if you're looking to do some serious distributed stress testing.
With our sample app deployed on many different Node PaaS hosts, now we can run some of these simple tests and take a look at our NodeFly dashboard to get some insights on performance. I'll be running nab
to get a basic sense of how a traffic spike is handled. We'll follow that with a single request to /block/42
to see how the CPU holds up.
To set a baseline, here are the results from an AWS "micro" instance with a fresh installation of Node 0.10.12:
REQ NUM: 100 RTN NUM: 100 QPS: 33 BODY TRAF: 233B per second
REQ NUM: 300 RTN NUM: 284 QPS: 47 BODY TRAF: 331B per second
time to curl /block/42: 8.40
REQ NUM: 100 RTN NUM: 100 QPS: 33 BODY TRAF: 233B per second
REQ NUM: 300 RTN NUM: 261 QPS: 43 BODY TRAF: 299B per second
time to curl /block/42: 17.16s
REQ NUM: 100 RTN NUM: 100 QPS: 33 BODY TRAF: 233B per second
REQ NUM: 300 RTN NUM: 300 QPS: 49 BODY TRAF: 349B per second
REQ NUM: 600 RTN NUM: 583 QPS: 64 BODY TRAF: 453B per second
time to curl /block/42: 5.62s
REQ NUM: 100 RTN NUM: 100 QPS: 33 BODY TRAF: 233B per second
REQ NUM: 300 RTN NUM: 289 QPS: 48 BODY TRAF: 336B per second
time to curl /block/42: 11.10s
REQ NUM: 100 RTN NUM: 100 QPS: 33 BODY TRAF: 233B per second
REQ NUM: 300 RTN NUM: 259 QPS: 43 BODY TRAF: 6KB per second
time to curl /block/42: 5.59s
REQ NUM: 100 RTN NUM: 100 QPS: 33 BODY TRAF: 233B per second
REQ NUM: 500 RTN NUM: 401 QPS: 66 BODY TRAF: 467B per second
time to curl /block/42: 9.74s
REQ NUM: 100 RTN NUM: 100 QPS: 33 BODY TRAF: 233B per second
REQ NUM: 300 RTN NUM: 286 QPS: 47 BODY TRAF: 329B per second
time to curl /block/42: 9.93s
REQ NUM: 200 RTN NUM: 200 QPS: 66 BODY TRAF: 466B per second
REQ NUM: 600 RTN NUM: 513 QPS: 85 BODY TRAF: 598B per second
time to curl /block/42: 7.32
REQ NUM: 100 RTN NUM: 100 QPS: 33 BODY TRAF: 233B per second
REQ NUM: 500 RTN NUM: 409 QPS: 68 BODY TRAF: 476B per second
time to curl /block/42: 52.70s