Analysis framework for Beyond Two Generations (B2G) Physics Analysis Group (PAG) of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Experiment
Make a new CMSSW area in 7_3_X
$ cmsrel CMSSW_7_3_0
$ cd CMSSW_7_3_0/src
$ cmsenv
(check out any CMSSW packages needed)
Make an Analysis directory :
$ mkdir Analysis
$ cd Analysis
Clone the github repository
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ scram b -j 10
The python configuration file for cmsRun is B2GAnaFW/test/ It runs on the miniAOD data tier and produces an EDM-ntuple.
The configuration file contians a header explaining usage. Here is an example running on a phys14 top sample:
$ cmsRun maxEvts=100 sample="/store/mc/Phys14DR/TBarToLeptons_t-channel_Tune4C_CSA14_13TeV-aMCatNLO-tauola/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_PHYS14_25_V1-v1/00000/E873348E-BC70-E411-BFA8-0025907B4FD6.root" outputLabel="myoutput"