- PistonMiner for the TTYD scripting disassembly tool, ttydasm. (GitHub repo here.)
- PistonMiner and Zephiles for their contributions to the symbol maps, including nearly all of the main binary's .text symbols.
- Both of the above, Jasper, SolidifiedGaming, and others who've helped with TTYD documentation elsewhere.
- Rain for writing the setup.py script to make setting up the TTYD utilities easier, as well as sort_events_by_prefix.
- docs:
- ttyd_structures_pseudocode - Notes on various TTYD structure layouts / enums, mostly for battle-related stuff.
- resources:
- us_symbols.csv - A near-complete symbol table for the US retail version of TTYD, including some type information (including marking ~all evts).
- eu_symbols.csv - Same for the European / PAL version.
- jp_symbols.csv - Same for the retail JP version.
- Text files containing TTYD's battle units' and items' names in ID order, one per line.
- A dump from an old curated table of symbol diffs between the JP demo and US retail versions of TTYD, used to locate individual functions / data / class instances (was used for older Python scripts)
- source:
- jdalibpy:
- General command-line flag (flags) & binary memory view utilities (bindatastore, and its crustier brother bindump for the old utils).
- A couple unrelated tools I use occasionally on the command-line:
- conv - Converts between various numeric and datetime formats.
- rngutil - Simulates TTYD's (and a few other games') random number generators.
- TTYD utility scripts: (explained more fully in source/README.md)
- setup - Runs all the important scripts end-to-end.
- dump_sections - Provided .dol/.rel files from TTYD, dumps their individual sections.
- symbol_to_maps - Converts a symbol table to .MAP files and symbol files for PistonMiner's ttydasm tool.
- extract_events - Exports all labeled evts in a symbol table to text files using ttydasm.
- extract_classes - Exports all labeled instances of various structures to .csv files, one for their fields and one for byte representations.
- map_to_symbols, annotate_map_symbols - For converting existing .MAP files for other versions of TTYD (e.g. the JP demo) to symbol tables, for use with the other scripts.
- Optional utilities:
- combine_event_dumps - Combines all unique event dumps from extract_events into a single text file.
- combine_rels - Builds custom REL files composed of symbols from one or more existing RELs.
- sort_events_by_prefix - Separates event dumps into subfolders based on their prefix.
- old_utils:
- Were used for some of the same purposes as the newer utilities, but much messier and generally less fully-featured.
- jdalibpy: