A partial copy of my current .vim directory.
Note: Feel free to copy any part of this repository that interests you; the very permissive license of this repository (0BSD) was chosen to encourage this. However, you should probably not clone this repository in your machine; it's very rewarding to build your Vim configuration yourself! My vimrc does stuff you may not want to do (e.g. automatically install minpac).
Here are some plugins I wrote that aren't big enough to deserve their own GitHub repositories:
: Ex commands and mappings to control cmus.ctrl_e.vim
: Adds an insert mode mapping (bound toCTRL_E
) which jumps to the end of the current line and closes brackets and quoted strings.indent_settings.vim
: Ex commands to quickly change the values of'expandtab'
, and'shiftwidth'
: A bunch of mappings I added to use the fact that there is no text object namedr
makes a delete then a repeat, andyr
makes a yank then a repeat (both commands leave registers unchanged).timecalc.vim
: two functions and an Ex command for calculating the sum of a list of durations; see the documentation.
These are also licensed under the 0BSD license.
As a user of an AZERTY keyboard, I've added a few mappings taking advantage of the keys unused by Vim. If that's interesting to you, feel free to copy the lines of code below in your vimrc.
" Quickly insert a blank line
" Convenient mappings for Apple's AZERTY keyboard
nnoremap <expr> § 'o<Esc>' . v:count1 . 'kgM'
nnoremap ¶ O<Esc>jgM
" Toggle casing of a single character
noremap ç ~
" Toggle casing of a word
vnoremap Ç viw~
" Typing the pipe character is inconvenient in AZERTY keyboards
cnoremap § \|
inoremap § \|
tnoremap § \|