An skill to use with Mycroft (up to 18.2.5 with Python 2.7) which allow to translate phrases into other languages Languages supported: English, spanish, italian, french, dutch, german, portuguese, polish, danish, hungarian, swedish, norwegian
msm install
cd /opt/mycroft/skills
git clone
cd TranslateSkill
workon mycroft (Only if you have installed Mycroft on Virtualenv)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Currently this skill can do the following things (with some variation):
translate to spanish good night
say in french good morning
translate good morning my dear friends and happy new year to italian
translate good morning my dear friends and happy new year to spanish
translate good morning my dear friends and happy new year to french
translate good morning my dear friends and happy new year to dutch
translate good morning my dear friends and happy new year to german
translate good morning my dear friends and happy new year to portuguese
translate good morning my dear friends and happy new year to polish
translate good morning my dear friends and happy new year to danish
translate good morning my dear friends and happy new year to hungarian
translate good morning my dear friends and happy new year to swedish
translate good morning my dear friends and happy new year to norwegian
- You can toggle language key word with:
- spanish, italian, french, dutch, german, portuguese, polish, danish, hungarian, swedish, norwegian