An introductory note to the front-end world.
- head, body
- div, span
- form, input
- window and document object
- events: click, keydown, etc
- event propagation: capturing and bubbling.
- operators, exprssions, statements
- function, apply, calls
- jQuery
- Promise
- prototype, this
- coffeeScript
- function as first-class object, i.e. function can do everything.
- higher-order functions (ref: Array.prototype)
- curry, partial, combinators
- backbone
- angularjs
- react
- Box model, i.e. padding, margin, position
- display
- float
- color, font, etc
- import, export
- nesting, &
- variable
- mixin, function
- directive @if @else @for @each
- (library) compass