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A pipeline that makes Parallel Coordinate Plot from VCF.

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Nextflow pipeline that runs and plots admixture and smartpca from a compressed VCF.

Workflow overview

General Workflow


-v 0.0.1

  • Supports vcf compressed files as input.
  • Results include PCA plot, PCP plot and admixture plots.
  • Parameters of smartpca and admixture could be changed in Nextflow config.
  • Scalability and reproducibility via a Nextflow-based framework.


Compatible OS*:

* VCF2PCP may run in other UNIX based OS and versions, but testing is required.


Requirement Version Required Commands *
bcftools 1.9-220-gc65ba41 bcftools
plink 2 plink
Eigensoft 6.1.4 smartpca
Admixture 1.3 admixture
Nextflow nextflow
Plan9 port Latest (as of 10/01/2019 ) mk **
R 3.4.4 ** See R scripts

* These commands must be accessible from your $PATH (i.e. you should be able to invoke them from your command line).

** Plan9 port builds many binaries, but you ONLY need the mk utility to be accessible from your command line.


Download VCF2PCP from Github repository:

git clone


To test VCF2PCP execution using test data, run:


Your console should print the Nextflow log for the run, once every process has been submitted, the following message will appear:

vcf2pcp: Basic pipeline TEST SUCCESSFUL

VCF2PCP results for test data should be in the following file:



To run VCF2PCP go to the pipeline directory and execute:

nextflow run --vcffile <path to input 1> [--output_dir path to results ]

For information about options and parameters, run:

nextflow run --help

Pipeline Inputs

  • A compressed vcf file with extension '.vcf.gz'. Example line(s):
#CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO
chr21	5101724	.	G	A	.	PASS	AC=1;AF=0.00641;AN=152;DP=903;ANN=A|intron_variant|MODIFIER|GATD3B|ENSG00000280071|Transcript|ENST00000624810.3|protein_coding||4/5|ENST00000624810.3:c.357+19987C>T|||||||||-1|cds_start_NF&cds_end_NF|SNV|HGNC|HGNC:53816||5|||ENSP00000485439||A0A096LP73|UPI0004F23660|||||||chr21:g.5101724G>A||||||||||||||||||||||||||||2.079|0.034663||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
chr21	5102165	rs1373489291	G	T	.	PASS	AC=1;AF=0.00641;AN=140;DP=853;ANN=T|intron_variant|MODIFIER|GATD3B|ENSG00000280071|Transcript|ENST00000624810.3|protein_coding||4/5|ENST00000624810.3:c.357+19546C>A|||||||rs1373489291||-1|cds_start_NF&cds_end_NF|SNV|HGNC|HGNC:53816||5|||ENSP00000485439||A0A096LP73|UPI0004F23660|||||||chr21:g.5102165G>T||||||||||||||||||||||||||||5.009|0.275409||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

  • A file that contains name of samples and the group that belongs to, separated by " ". (samples.txt)

Example line(s):

sample1 Zoque
sample2 PEL
sample3 PEL
sample4 CHB
  • A file that contains sample, pop and region separated by tabs. (tag_data.tsv). It helps for regions like north, central and south.

Example line(s):

sample  pop region
sample2 PEL PEL
sample3 PEL PEL
sample4 CHB CHB

Pipeline Results


  • best snps
  • Tracy-Widom statistics
  • std out
  • PCP of first 20 PCs. This also says which is the last significant PC and variance explained by them.
  • Plot of PCA1 vs each PC(2:20).
  • PCP by region with first 20 PCs.
  • kmeans plot.


  • tsv and plot of CVS which shows the minor Crossvalidation value.
  • admixture plots from k 2:9 separated and all together.

Pipeline directory structure

├── dev_notes					## Developers notes directory
│   └── Workflow.png				## Flow diagram
├── mkmodules					## Directory for submodule organization
│   ├── mk-gather-admixture-plots			## Submodule to gather admixture plots.
│   ├── mk-keep-autosomes			## Submodule to select only autosomal chromosomes.
│   ├── mk-k-means-analysis			## Submodule to do kmeans analysis.
│   ├── mk-make-par-file_smartpca			## Submodule to run smartpca.
│   ├── mk-make-pedind			## Submodule to make pedind file.
│   ├── mk-make-pop-info 		## Submodule to make popinfo file.
│   ├── mk-parallel_coordinate_plot			## Submodule to make PCP.
│   ├── mk-plot-admixture			## Submodule to plot admixture results.
│   ├── mk-plot-cvs			## Submodule to plot cvs of admixture.
│   ├── mk-regional-PCA			## Submodule to perform regional PCA.
│   ├── mk-rejoin-vcf			## Submodule to rejoin vcf chunks.
│   ├── mk-run-admixture			## Submodule to run admixture.
│   ├── mk-simplifyVCF-removeLD			## Submodule to format vcf.
│   ├── mk-split-chromosomes 			## Submodule to split chromosomes.
│   └── mk-vcf2PLINK			## Submodule to convert vcf to plink
├── nextflow.config				## Configuration file for this pipeline.
├──					## This document. General workflow description
├──					## Execution script for pipeline testing.
├── test							## Test directory.
│   ├── data						## Test data directory
│   └── reference						## Test reference directory
└──				## Flow control script of this pipeline.


Under the hood nf-vcf-novel-dataset-builder uses some coding tools, please include the following ciations in your work:

  • Narasimhan, V., Danecek, P., Scally, A., Xue, Y., Tyler-Smith, C., & Durbin, R. (2016). BCFtools/RoH: a hidden Markov model approach for detecting autozygosity from next-generation sequencing data. Bioinformatics, 32(11), 1749-1751.
  • Team, R. C. (2017). R: a language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna. http s. www. R-proje ct. org.
  • Purcell, S., Neale, B., Todd-Brown, K., Thomas, L., Ferreira, M. A., Bender, D., ... & Sham, P. C. (2007). PLINK: a tool set for whole-genome association and population-based linkage analyses. The American journal of human genetics, 81(3), 559-575.
  • D.H. Alexander, J. Novembre, and K. Lange. Fast model-based estimation of ancestry in unrelated individuals. Genome Research, 19:1655–1664, 2009.
  • Price, Alkes L., et al. "Principal components analysis corrects for stratification in genome-wide association studies." Nature genetics 38.8 (2006): 904-909.
  • Patterson, Nick, Alkes L. Price, and David Reich. "Population structure and eigenanalysis." PLoS genetics 2.12 (2006): e190.


If you have questions, requests, or bugs to report, please email [email protected] or [email protected]

Dev Team

Judith Ballesteros Villascán [email protected]

Israel Aguilar-Ordonez [email protected]

Fernando Pérez-Villatoro [email protected]

Cite us

If you find this pipeline useful for your project, please cite us as:

Aguilar-Ordoñez, Israel, et al. "Whole genome variation in 27 Mexican indigenous populations, demographic and biomedical insights." PloS one 16.4 (2021): e0249773.


A pipeline that makes Parallel Coordinate Plot from VCF.






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