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Creating a maintenance branch

Tom Jenkinson edited this page Jan 31, 2025 · 12 revisions

The most up-to-date Narayana upstream releases are issued from the main branch.

But Narayana provides some maintenance branches as well (e.g. 7.1, …​). This wiki documents steps which are needed when a new maintenance branch is created.

New maintenance branches should be named <MAJOR>.<MINOR>

Changes when a maintanance branch is created

  • Only narayana and quickstart repository should be tagged. Remove documentation and performance repositories from the release plan. See the PR at

  • change the scripts/ script for the BRANCH contains the name of the maintenance branch which is created

  • Remove generating of the web pages for the maintenance branch. The ant command should avoid the web target. See how the script may be adjusted here

  • Change the scripts/hudson/ script to define the environmental variable BRANCHPOINT with value of the branch.

  • Change the scripts/ script to refer to WildFly maintenance branches in jbossts/jboss-as repository.

  • Change the scripts/hudson/ script (function build_as or clone_as) which clones the WildFly maintenance repository to point to correct branch in context of the Narayana maintenance branch (e.g. 7_BRANCH) and change the git rebase to work against appropriate WildFly branch (e.g. 35.x).

  • Verify the content of the build-release-pkgs.xml to contain the correct value of the tag property.

  • Create the maintenance branch (of the same version) for jbosstm quickstarts ( as well.

  • Make sure autoReleaseAfterClose is set to false in root pom.xml. In fact maintenance branches are not supposed to be released to Maven Central, but only tagged and pushed to GitHub.

  • If not already existing, please create a <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.next version in JIRA to use to target fixes for the new maintenance branch