A simple flashcard app
- NextJS (v4)
- React (v16)
- Redux (State management)
- Netlify (Static hosting)
- Jest (Test runner)
- Enzyme (Testing utility)
- Coveralls (Test coverage analysis)
- Codecov (Test coverage analysis)
- Travis CI (Build analysis)
- Code Climate (Code analysis)
- Codacy (Code analysis)
- SideCI (Code analysis)
- JavaScript (ES6)
- The user can create cards
- The user can flip the current card
- If possible, the user can go to the next or previous card
- Bring in styling (Sass or Stylus)
- Make scaffolding more "robust" (make directories for components, tests, etc)
- Think about state management (if necessary bring in Redux, Flux, etc)
- Bring in a testing framework (will likely be Jest for funsies :D)
- Use TravisCI to kickoff builds automatically
- Use Coveralls to run analysis on testing coverage
- Use Dependabot to keep dependencies up to date
- Use Code Climate to keep track of tech debt
- Think about architecture (JAMstack, MVC, etc)
- Think about hosting (will likely be Firebase for funsies :D)
- Increase test coverage