Ansible is not free anymore. Consider using salt -
Do I still need to do this?
touch ~/.gitconfig.local
# input your personal GitHub details into .gitconfig.local:
# user = GitHubUserName
# name = Your Name
# email = [email protected]
- Install Homebrew.
- Install
xcode-select --install
(if required. It maybe installed with Homebrew)- this should install git. Check with
git --version
- this should install git. Check with
- Change CAPS to Ctrl
- Enable touch to click and 3 finger drag
- do this in Accessability
- Setup git SSH keys
git clone [email protected]:jazzabeanie/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
- Install iTerm2
- Set shortcut Command-Ctrl-T to launch new terminal (make sure there are no spaces in the name of the automator script
- install oh-my-zsh
- Following Powerlevel10k getting started
- install nerd font which is recommended for Powerlevel10k
- install Powerlevel10k
- Install zsh-autosuggestions
- Install fzf-tab
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/fzf-tab
- run scirpts:
- setup neovim instead
git clone [email protected]:jazzabeanie/lazyvim-config.git ~/.config/nvim
- setup neovim instead
sync my cheat forkgo to ()[] and sync forkgit clone ~/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/community/
the cheat config file (.dotfiles/home/cheat_config.yml) will need updating with the correct directory paths for the cheatsheets
- use instead
- Install SteerMouse -
- Install 1password
- setup mountain duck (should have been installed by homebrew)
- license is in email (and probably Joplin)
- Create a new third party Access Key on AWS
- Connect to S3 bucket
- get access keys from AWS IAM
- Path: jazzabeanie-personal-storage
- Read more at, and
- setup Joplin (should have been installed by homebrew)
- TODO: write the details of the settings
- consider installing BCLM to limit max battery charge. Once installed:
sudo bclm write 77
bclm read
- make it persist with
sudo bclm persist
. Unpersist withsudo bclm unpersist
SSH keys:
- Copy existing keys, or create new ssh key and add to github
- may also need to start the agent and add them there too.
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/KEY_NAME
install git
sudo apt install git curl zsh
git clone [email protected]:jazzabeanie/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
Make Zsh the default shell
chsh -s $(which zsh)
log out and log back in
install oh-my-zsh
Following Powerlevel10k getting started
- install nerd font which is recommended for Powerlevel10k
- install Powerlevel10k
reverse scroll direction
- xfce: Mouse and Touchpad -> Reverse scroll direction
- gnome
xinput --list
to get ID of the mouse.xinput set-prop pointer:"Logitech G300s Optical Gaming Mouse" "libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled" 1
to reverse the direction- Add this to startup applications so that it runs every time.
- Make this run on startup by adding to
install homebrew
run scirpts: (note, sudo not required)
Swap CAPS and Ctrl, either:
- run
setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps
- make this permanent by going to Session and Startup -> Application Autostart -> + and add this command.
- Ubuntu:
- open Tweaks -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Additional Layout options
- run
install node (required for neovim):
- install nvm
nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts
setup neovim: # TODO: put into homebrew script
git clone [email protected]:jazzabeanie/lazyvim-config.git ~/.config/nvim
brew install neovim
setup neovim: open neovim and run:h nvim-from-vim
then follow the instructions.Setup LazyViminstall tree-sittersudo npm install -g tree-sitter-cli
Not sure if I want to use LazyVim
Another option is suggests installing nvim by getting the latest stable release. This is because this setup only works with the latest version of nvim and tools like snap or apt won't have the latest vesion.
Install alacritty
Install zsh-autosuggestions
Install fzf-tab
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/fzf-tab
setup link to S3 bucket.
- I'm using mountainduck on MacOS
install lazygit
brew install jesseduffield/lazygit/lazygit
install gron
- download latest verion to
- extract with
tar -xvzf /tmp/gron.tgz
- move to /usr/local/bin:
sudo mv /tmp/gron /usr/local/bin
- download latest verion to
install pip with
script.- download the script to tmp, then run it with
python3 /tmp/
- download the script to tmp, then run it with
install Joplin:
wget -O - | bash
Install 1Password
- Also configure Ctrl+Shift+Space to open 1password instead of the quick access to enable password ignoring below.
setup CopyQ clipboard manager to ignore passwords:
[Commands] 1\Automatic=true 1\Command=" copyq ignore" 1\Icon=\xf069 1\Name=Ignore *1Password* windows 1\Remove=true 1\Window=.*1Password.* 2\Automatic=true 2\Command=" copyq ignore" 2\Icon=\xf069 2\Input=x-kde-passwordManagerHint 2\Name=Ignore Keepass window 2\Remove=true size=2
sync my cheat fork
- go to ()[] and sync fork
git clone ~/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/community/
- the cheat config file (.dotfiles/home/cheat_config.yml) will need updating with the correct directory paths for the cheatsheets
Random Linux box:
- this sets up .bashrc, aliases, and .vimrc. Run:
curl -o
sudo chmod 755
source ~/.bashrc
- reverse mouse scroll:
$devices = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\HID\*\*\Device Parameters" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.FlipFlopWheel -ne $null }
foreach ($device in $devices) {
# Reverse the scroll direction
if ($device.FlipFlopWheel -eq 1) {
Set-ItemProperty -Path $device.PSPath -Name "FlipFlopWheel" -Value 0
} else {
Set-ItemProperty -Path $device.PSPath -Name "FlipFlopWheel" -Value 1
- Turn off tabs in alt-tab:
- Open Settings.
- Click on System.
- Click on Multitasking.
- etc.
- install 1password
- [install wsl[(
- install ubuntu through Microsoft Store
- Set charge limit on battery to 80%
- Dell Power Manager (should be already installed)
- Setup git SSH keys
- need to manually add the key to the ssh agent every reboot for some reason.
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
install wsl:
wsl --install
- Fix the DNS
- in cmd:
- usually
in the office
- usually
- update
with the correct nameserver ip address (look for the fields labeled "DNS SERVERS" in the step above) - add the following to
means it will generate/etc/resolv.conf
, but gives it the wrong nameserver so you have to change it manually every reboot.false
means it will not generate the file and. Set it to false and copy the filesudo cp ~/.dotfiles/ /etc/profile.d/
- in cmd:
- Fix the DNS
install winget packages
winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget --interactive
winget install --id Joplin.Joplin -e --source winget --interactive
winget install --id Neovim.Neovim -e --source winget
winget install Microsoft.PowerToys -s winget
- clone dotfiles
- Change CAPS to Ctrl (using PowerToys)
- in WSL:
- run
- run
- install oh-my-zsh
- also install Powerlevel10k, and zsh-autosuggestions (instructions above)
- install nvm
- then install node
nvim install node
- then install node
install neovim following AppImage instructions- maybe it's better to install with [homebrew[(
- May also need to install FUSE
ln -s nvim.appimage ./nvim
- install nvim config (see details above)
- run
to make sure nvim is working
- install nnn:
- download the latest release
- follow these install instructions:
- untar, cd into dir, run
sudo make O_NERD=1
- run
mv .nnn /usr/local/bin
- untar, cd into dir, run
Install cheatclone cheat sheet- use instead
- run
- install pip with
script. - install lazygit
- install McFly TODO: put this into homebrew script
- change shortcuts of copy and paste in Windows Terminal to ctrl+shift+c and ctrl+shift+v (
- Turn off wedgets:
- Settings
- Personalisation
- Taskbar
- Disable Widgets
- make xdg-open use powershell:
- Figure out how to make pasting between Windows and vim in WSL.
sudo tee /usr/local/bin/xdg-open <<EOF
powershell.exe -c start "'\$@'"
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/xdg-open
read this page for information on setting up ansible playbooks:
- install ranger?
- ffmpeg / ffplay / youtube-dl
- Update ssh key on SimpleSSHD - only if using android phone
- install alacritty
- install colour themes (including solarized)
- install solarized terminal theme
- diff-so-fancy - you can use snap to install if on Linux
- lsd - you can use snap to install if on Linux
- beets - (is this required? zsh does a pretty good job)