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Reinforcement Learning DQN Project 🎮

This directory contains all code needed to train an agent to play Pong or CartPole.

The models/permanent directory contains models for CartPole and Pong trained during 1000 episodes, and Pong during 3000 episodes. These all use the default parameters.

In order to run the 3000 model, some lines in the forward function in need to be commented out, see the file for details. This is due to the network being extended to also support CartPole after training this agent.


Description of DQN

DQN(Deep Q-learning) combines neural networks and Q-learning. This new method is proposed because there is a bottleneck in the traditional form of reinforcement learning. If we use tables to store each state and the Q value of each behavior in this state, no matter how much memory the computer has, it won’t be enough. Even with enough memory, searching the corresponding status in the table is also a time-consuming thing. That is why there is a need to use a function approximator for practical purposes, which can give a good enough optimal value function following a policy (\pi). In machine learning, neural networks are good at this kind of work. We can take the state and action as the input value of a neural network, and get the Q value of action after neural network analysis. There is no need to record the Q value in the table and directly generate the Q value in the neural network. A slight variation of this approach is to only take state as an input and give all the action value pairs as an output. According to the principle of Q-learning, DQN will directly select the action with the maximum value as the next action to be done.
[Q(s, a) \leftarrow Q(s, a)+\alpha\left[r+\gamma \max _{a^{\prime} \in \mathcal{A}} Q\left(s^{\prime}, a^{\prime}\right)-Q(s, a)\right]] DQN has two major advantages over standard Q-learning update,ie. experience replay and fixed Q-targets. DQN has a memory bank to learn from previous experiences by storing transitions. Q-learning is an off-policy learning method. Every time DQN is updated, experience replay can randomly extract some previous experiences for learning. This random extraction method disrupts the correlation between experiences and makes the neural network update more efficient. Target network is also an incentive to disturb the correlation. It uses two neural networks with the same structure but different parameters in DQN. The neural network for predicting Q estimation has the latest parameters, while the neural network for predicting Q reality uses an older set of parameters.

DQN for CartPole-v0

CartPole Description

In the pole environment, there is a small car. The task of the agent is to keep the pole vertical by moving left and right. The state of an agent is a vector with continuous dimension 4, its action is discrete, and the size of the action space is 2 (moving left or right). The game will end if the inclination of the pole over angle limitation, or the left and right deviation of the car from the initial position is too large, or the persistence time reaches 200 frames. For each frame in the game, the agent will be rewarded with a score of 1. The longer the persistence time, the higher the final score. The highest score can be obtained by adhering to 200 frames.

Default Hyperparameters

Our CartPole experiment is implemented in Google Colab. We use the following default hyperparmeters to train the DQN.

Hyperparameter Value Description
Memory size 50000 Maximum size of the replay buffer.
Batch size 32 Size of mini-batches sampled from the replay buffer.
Target update frequency 100 The frequency (measured in time steps) to update the target network.
Train frequency 1 The frequency (measured in time steps) to train the network.
Gamma 0.95 Discounted factor gamma used in the Q-learning update.
Epsilon start 1 Starting value of (\epsilon)-greedy exploration.
Epsilon end 0.05 Final value of (\epsilon)-greedy exploration.
Anneal length (10^{4}) Value of steps to anneal epsilon for
eps_step = (eps_start - eps_end) / anneal_length

Experiment Results

We plot the relationship between the number of episode and score. In figure 1 and 2, after 200 episodes, score or the mean score increases and becomes stable after 400 episodes. The stable mean score approaches to 200. The score is low when the agent starts learning, then it reaches 200, which is the maximum score can be achieved in the CartPole environment.


Evaluation Scores

The figure 3 plots the number of episode and mean loss. The loss increases till 300 episode, the loss begins to decrease after 300 episodes, showing that the network is learning. The mean loss seems to remain steady if we ran more episodes, so as we can see on figure 1 and 2, the score reaches maximum 200 after 400 episodes.

Mean Loss

Two hyperparameters are tuned in the CartPole. The first one is batch size. We tried 5 different batch size in the experiment, range from 10 to 70. The result is showed in Figure 4, which shows that the lower batch size has worse performance, while the higher batch sizes perform better. The overall performance of higher batch sizes (large than 10) seems no much difference in one running of experiment, but if we look at the performance after its mean score reaches 200, there is a trend that higher batch size brings higher variance. Another hyperparameter we tuned is target update frequency. Again, we tried 5 increasing frequency, range from 100 to 500. The result is showed in Figure 5. The fastest agent that converges the mean score to 200 is the one with frequency 300 and it has lower variance after the convergence compared to other agents. The slowest agent is the one with frequency 100 and it also has a low variance compared to the agents with high frequency. The agent with frequency with 500 has the highest variance after the convergence. Although there are some difference between theses agents, we are not sure the differences are because of different frequency or just the variance.

Different Batch Size

Different Target Update Frequency

DQN for Pong 🏓

Pong Description

Pong is a two-dimensional tennis video game with 2.5 million frames (210 × 160 pixel images, 128-color each pixel). Two players control the paddles to hit a ball vertically across the left or right side of the screen. The agent is on the right and the opponent on the left. One player gets a score when the other player fails to return the ball. The agent receives a +1 reward if the opponent missed the ball, a -1 reward if it fall to pass the ball, and 0 otherwise. An episode ends if one of the players earns 21 points.

Experiment Results

The DQN implementation supporting both Pong and CartPole can be seen in the listings in Section 5. The Pong implementation differs in that it uses an observation stack in order to have four subsequent frames as input to the DQN. Unlike using only one frame, this provides information about the velocity of the ball. The implementation also differs in it using a convolutional neural network instead of only linear transformations. While the Pong game has six possible actions, some of which are redundant, the network was designed to only have two outputs corresponding to moving up and down in order to increase learning speed.

The default parameters for training the DQN are listed in Table 1. The evaluated score of the model during training while using these parameters is shown in Figure 6, and the return for each episode in Figure 7. The model improves quickly during the first 1000 episodes, and slower for the second 1000. After 2000 episodes the performance stagnates. The best performing model is obtained just before 2000 episodes and when evaluated over 25 episodes, it has a mean return of (12.36).

Hyperparameter Value Description
Observation stack size 4 The number of frames stacked in a single observation.
Memory size 10000 Maximum size of the replay buffer.
Batch size 32 Size of mini-batches sampled from the replay buffer.
Target update frequency 1000 The frequency (measured in time steps) to update the target network.
Train frequency 4 The frequency (measured in time steps) to train the network.
Gamma 0.99 Discounted factor gamma used in the Q-learning update.
Learning rate (10^{-4}) The learning rate used for the optimizer.
Epsilon start 1 Starting value of (\epsilon)-greedy exploration.
Epsilon end 0.01 Final value of (\epsilon)-greedy exploration.
Anneal length (10^{6}) Value of steps to anneal epsilon for
eps_step = (eps_start - eps_end) / anneal_length

The default parameters of the Pong DQN.


Evaluation scores during training of the network with default parameters. The model was evaluated every 25 episodes of training, and each score is the mean of 10 evaluation episodes.

Every episode return while training for 3000 episodes using the default parameters.

Some different parameters were tried when training the Pong model. Figure 8 shows a comparison of different frequencies for target network updates when training for 1000 episodes. Except for 5000, the frequencies have similar performance. Due to the variance in the scores, it is difficult to tell if e.g. the 200 frequency being the last to see initial improvement but then achieves the highest score is the real behaviour of the model or just due to variance. Averaging several training runs and training for more episodes would give a more reliable result. Figure 9 shows scores for different number of steps for the anneal length of (\epsilon), while training for 2000 episodes. Annealing over (5 \cdot 10^{5}) and (10^{6}) steps have similar performance, with (10^{6}) achieving the best score. The results suggest that these values ensure enough exploration while not wasting time not exploiting. However, 2000 episodes may not be enough to draw this conclusion. For example, (5 \cdot 10^{6}) steps may not have the same stagnating behaviour after 2000 episodes as (10^{6}) was shown to have in Figure 6.

Comparison of different step numbers between each target network update for 1000 training episodes. The other parameters were the default ones.

Comparison of different anneal length numbers for 2000 training episodes. The other parameters were the default ones.


Through this project we came to a conclusion that Deep neural networks work as a good function approximator and coupled with Replay memory, we can train agent to learn Cart pole and Pong in a model free environment by just capturing the frames of the agent playing the game.

Like any other RL algorithm, DQN takes a long time before it starts to converge and show desired score. It is also challenging to understand how the convolutional neural network selects features from stacked frames that are used to find best action value and how the selected parameters affect the DQN after 2000 episodes as training time increases.

A future scope of this project can be to extend this method to a number of Atari games with least amount of hyper-parameter tuning possible to see if the idea of Deep Q-learning can be generalized over many games and achieve a superhuman level of performance. Atari Pong Environment.

Maciej Balawejder. Solving Open AI’s CartPole Using Reinforcement Learning.

Mnih, V., Kavukcuoglu, K., Silver, D. et al. Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. Nature 518, 529–533 (2015).


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