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What is the goal?

My goal is to implement an LP solver that can solve all the NETLIB models.

Why do this?
  1. To increase my understanding of the Simplex method
  2. To increase my understanding of commercial LP solvers
  3. To test out modern C++ features

I am gradually adding complexity to the implementation while working through "Linear Programming" (Vanderbei, 2020). I have also tried to make the code match the mathematical notation in the text as much as possible (at the cost of performance) to make it easier to understand.


My process has been:

  1. ☑ Standard primal algorithm (i.e. full dictionary)
  2. ☑ Two phase standard primal algorithm (i.e. handle infeasible starting bases)
  3. ☑ Revised primal algorithm (i.e. matrix based approach, Gaussian elimination)
  4. ☑ Revised dual algorithm (i.e. matrix based approach, Gaussian elimination)
  5. ☑ Two phase revised algorithm (i.e. combine the above to handle infeasible starting bases)
  6. ☑ Replace Gaussian elimination with LU factorisation
  7. ☑ Re-use an LU factorisation between iterations (using the eta-matrix method)
  8. General simplex algorithm (i.e. handle bounded variables in pivoting)

Implementing (8) is a significant undertaking and is not covered in detail in many references.

The current implementation features:

  • Two-phase (dual then primal) revised simplex method
  • Dantzig's 'largest coefficient' full pricing method
  • Variable bounds as explicit constraints (slow)
  • Dense matrix implementation (slow)
  • LU factorisation (via Doolittle's method) to avoid explicit matrix inverses
  • Re-uses the LU factorisation between iterations using an eta-matrix FTRAN/BTRAN
  • Periodically re-calculates the LU factorisation (every 50 iterations seems to work well)
  • Parallelised matrix multiplication with std::execution

Potential improvements include:

  • Change to a sparse matrix representation
  • Implement other pricing methods like steepest edge or Devex
  • Implement a basic scaling mechanism
  • Implement a basic pre-solve
  • Threshold/Markowitz pivoting in the LU factorisation
  • Use std::mdspan to avoid copying in pivoting
  • Use std::ranges and std::string_view in the MPS parser

Using jsolve

Building and Testing

jsolve requires a c++20 compatible compiler such as:

  • g++ 11.3
  • MSVC 17.4.3
  • clang++ 14.0 (can't compile tests, no std::source_location support)

The solver can be built and tested by running:

$ git clone
$ cd jsolve
$ cmake . & make
$ ctest . --verbose


To run jsolve, specify a logging level and point it at an mps file at the command line:

$ jsolve_app.exe --log <trace|debug|info> --mps <path to mps file>

You should get an output like this:

(Start) Running jsolve
(Start) Reading MPS file "C:\\afiro.mps"
(End) Reading MPS file "C:\\afiro.mps" (0 ms)
Model: AFIRO (MIN, 27 constraints, 32 variables)
(Start) Solving
Starting basis is primal and dual infeasible, starting phase 1 with dummy objective
It      1 Obj       0.0000 DInf:       0.0000 PInf:     -44.0000
It      2 Obj     -44.0000 DInf:       0.0000 PInf:     -23.7160
It      3 Obj     -44.0000 DInf:       0.0000 PInf:    -906.3230
It      4 Obj     -44.0000 DInf:       0.0000 PInf:    -590.8320
It      5 Obj     -44.0000 DInf:       0.0000 PInf:      -0.0000
Restoring objective for phase 2
It      6 Obj       0.0000 DInf:      -1.8000 PInf:      -0.0000
It      7 Obj       0.0000 DInf:      -1.8000 PInf:      -0.0000
It      8 Obj       0.0000 DInf:      -2.5953 PInf:      -0.0000
It      9 Obj       0.0000 DInf:      -6.7046 PInf:      -0.0000
It     10 Obj       0.0000 DInf:      -6.3046 PInf:      -0.0000
It     11 Obj       0.0000 DInf:      -5.9930 PInf:      -0.0000
It     12 Obj       0.0000 DInf:     -18.4877 PInf:      -0.0000
It     13 Obj     290.1573 DInf:      -1.0194 PInf:      -0.0000
It     14 Obj     455.9615 DInf:      -0.4362 PInf:      -0.0000
It     15 Obj     455.9615 DInf:      -1.3962 PInf:      -0.0000
It     16 Obj     455.9615 DInf:      -0.5087 PInf:      -0.0000
It     17 Obj     455.9615 DInf:      -0.3448 PInf:      -0.0000
It     18 Obj     464.7531 DInf:      -0.0000 PInf:      -0.0000
Objective = -464.75 (18 iterations)
(End) Solving (6 ms)
(End) Running jsolve (7 ms)


I have tried to keep these to a minimum (and implement all the numerical code myself):


I am using the classic Netlib set of models to measure progress.

# Name Rows Cols Non-zeros Optimal jsolve (Iterations) jsolve (Seconds)
4 AFIRO 28 32 88 -464.75 18 0.02
57 SC50B 51 48 119 -70 62 0.05
56 SC50A 51 48 131 -64.58 53 0.04
54 SC105 106 103 281 -52.2 118 0.31
42 KB2 44 41 291 -1749.9 78 0.05
3 ADLITTLE 57 97 465 225494.96 129 0.15
85 STOCFOR1 118 111 474 -41131.98 179 0.65
10 BLEND 75 83 521 -30.81 289 0.55
55 SC205 206 203 552 -52.2 293 2.37
59 SCAGR7 130 140 553 -2331389.3 249 1.15
73 SHARE2B 97 79 730 -415.73 164 0.26
53 RECIPE 92 180 752 -266.62 98 0.89
88 VTPBASE 199 203 914 129831.46 307 3.54
43 LOTFI 154 308 1086 -25.26 385 2.76
72 SHARE1B 118 225 1182 -76589.32 608 2.87
14 BOEING2 167 143 1339 -315.02 203 1.36
15 BORE3D 234 315 1525 1373.08 304 6.56
63 SCORPION 389 358 1708 1878.12 378 14.4
17 CAPRI 272 353 1786 2690.01 497 17.8
58 SCAGR25 472 500 2029 -14753433 1327 81.1
68 SCTAP1 301 480 2052 1412.25 670 10.8
16 BRANDY 221 249 2150 1518.51 821 11.5
41 ISRAEL 175 142 2358 -896644.82 334 1.13
26 ETAMACRO 401 688 2489 -755.72 1934 179
5 AGG 489 163 2541 -35991767 158 5.54
60 SCFXM1 331 457 2612 18416.76 563 18.4
40 GROW7 141 301 2633 -47787812 317 11.2
8 BANDM 306 472 2659 -158.63 1490 51.9
28 FINNIS 498 614 2714 172790.97 1493 98.7
25 E226 224 282 2767 -11.64 810 8.89
83 STANDATA 360 1075 3038 1257.7 100 4.81
65 SCSD1 78 760 3148 8.67 148 7.68
35 GFRD-PNC 617 1092 3467 6902236 681 270
9 BEACONFD 174 262 3476 33592.49 181 1.71
84 STANDMPS 468 1075 3686 1406.02 267 33.2
82 STAIR 357 467 3857 -251.27 968 41.1
13 BOEING1 351 384 3865 -335.21 1034 44.9
64 SCRS8 491 1169 4029 904.3 1559 142
46 MODSZK1 688 1620 4158 320.62 error
22 DEGEN2 445 534 4449 -1435.18 4928 263
6 AGG2 517 302 4515 -20239252 155 7.63
87 TUFF 334 587 4523 0.29 447 24.2
7 AGG3 517 302 4531 10312115.9 170 7.85
71 SEBA 516 1028 4874 15711.6 441 249
74 SHELL 537 1775 4900 1208825346 741 197.8
33 FORPLAN 162 421 4916 -664.22 mps spaces
50 PILOT4 411 1000 5145 -2581.14 mps bounds
61 SCFXM2 661 914 5229 36660.26 1312 162
38 GROW15 301 645 5665 -106870941 792 408
66 SCSD6 148 1350 5666 50.5 417 6.02
76 SHIP04S 403 1458 5810 1798714.7 389 24.4
48 PEROLD 626 1376 6026 -9380.76 9652 5502
11 BNL1 644 1175 6129 1977.63 2462 359
27 FFFFF800 525 854 6235 555679.61 1077 130.5
34 GANGES 1310 1681 7021 -109586.36 timeout
62 SCFXM3 991 1371 7846 54901.25 1854 1140
69 SCTAP2 1091 1880 8124 1724.81 779 421
39 GROW22 441 946 8318 -160834336 1310 1047
75 SHIP04L 403 2118 8450 1793324.54 381 30.3
81 SIERRA 1228 2036 9252 15394362.2 timeout
86 STOCFOR2 2158 2031 9492 -39024.41 timeout
78 SHIP08S 779 2387 9501 1920098.21 655 222
44 MAROS 847 1443 10006 -58063.74 2994 1651
70 SCTAP3 1481 2480 10734 1424 1515 3704
30 FIT1P 628 1677 10894 9146.38 timeout
80 SHIP12S 1152 2763 10941 1489236.13 timeout
1 25FV47 822 1571 11127 5501.85 timeout
67 SCSD8 398 2750 11334 905 2431 232
52 PILOTNOV 976 2172 13129 -4497.28 timeout
47 NESM 663 2923 13988 14076073 4665 11698
19 CZPROB 930 3523 14173 2185196.7 timeout
29 FIT1D 25 1026 14430 -9146.38 1333 238
12 BNL2 2325 3489 16124 1811.24 error
77 SHIP08L 779 4283 17085 1909055.21 684 341
18 CYCLE 1904 2857 21322 -5.23 timeout
79 SHIP12L 1152 5427 21597 1470187.92 timeout
23 DEGEN3 1504 1818 26230 -987.29 timeout
2 80BAU3B 2263 9799 29063 987232.16 mps ub < 0
36 GREENBEA 2393 5405 31499 -72462406 mps fixed
37 GREENBEB 2393 5405 31499 -4302147.6 timeout
20 D2Q06C 2172 5167 35674 122784.24 timeout
90 WOODW 1099 8405 37478 1.3 timeout
24 DFL001 6072 12230 41873 11266400 timeout
49 PILOT 1442 3652 43220 -557.4 timeout
21 D6CUBE 416 6184 43888 315.49 1711 364
32 FIT2P 3001 13525 60784 68464.29 timeout
89 WOOD1P 245 2594 70216 1.44 547 56.1
51 PILOT87 2031 4883 73804 301.71
31 FIT2D 26 10500 138018 -68464.29 timeout
45 MAROS-R7 3137 9408 151120 1497185.17 timeout


There are many excellent references available. I have used these heavily:

  • Vanderbei, Linear Programming, 2020
  • Chvatal, Linear Programming, 1983
  • Bradley, Applied Mathematical Programming, 1977
  • Nocedal, Numerical Optimization, 2006
  • Koberstein, The Dual Simplex Method, Techniques for a fast and stable implementation, 2005

Others include:

  • Kipp, Large Scale Linear and Integer Optimization, 1999
  • Michael Saunders, CME338 Large-Scale Numerical Optimization, 2019, Stanford University Course Notes
  • Robert Bixby, Implementing The Simplex Method: The Initial Basis, 1991

Robert Bixby's 2015 talk, "Solving Linear Programs: The Dual Simplex Algorithm", also provides some great insights.


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